career management

Job responsibilities of an electrician

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Job responsibilities of an electrician

Video: Day in the Life of an Electrician 2024, July

Video: Day in the Life of an Electrician 2024, July

All professions are important, each employee has a different degree of responsibility. And she is of a high level in those professions where you need to work with electricity. Each electrician has a big burden of responsibility, because the safety of both the employee and other people depends on the quality of the performance of their duties. That is why the knowledge and practical skills of a person in this profession should be at a high level, as well as the ability to perform their duties in a quality manner. The electrician, in addition, must be serious about observing safety rules when working with electrical appliances and when putting them into operation.

Job description

Every enterprise where there is a position related to working with electricity must have at its disposal a document that is called that - the job description of the electrician. The main responsibilities of the masters in this position include the installation and laying of lines that provide the building with electricity.

In addition, he must install various equipment, including transformers, motors, switchboards and the like. A person must be able to use special mechanical devices in his practice, necessary for supporting the lines, stretching wires and cables, these are the main responsibilities, the electrician must cope with them all.

Job description content

The main difference between the electrician and the electrician is that the second serves the finished equipment and repairs it, and the first electrifies buildings and premises from the very beginning, installing all the equipment from scratch. The job description of the electrician must contain a list of all the duties assigned to representatives of this profession. This should be documented and agreed with the employee. In addition, the document should contain the following information:

  • Basic information about what kind of profession it is, that is, all the requirements for the qualification of an employee to whom he submits, working in this enterprise, and the like.
  • It should be written down what responsibility lies with the person holding this position.
  • Also, the document must list the rights of the electrician.

According to the law, there are no clear norms and rules on how the job description of the electrician should be drawn up. But the above structure is considered the main for all enterprises in the country. And in most cases, it is it that is used in the preparation of the necessary documents.

Job responsibilities of an electrician

The most basic factor affecting exactly what duties an employee should fulfill is the orientation of the sphere of activity of the enterprise where he gets a job. Therefore, the duties of the employee may include many working moments, depending on the basic needs of the enterprise. But still there is a list of things that any representative of this profession should be able to do well:

  • Conducting assembly circuits.
  • Checking the operation of electrical appliances.
  • Cable cutting and its subsequent insulation.
  • Relay setup.
  • Wire insulation control at the enterprise.
  • Conducting and checking resistance and voltage readings at different nodes.
  • Grounding installation.
  • Installation and dismantling of electrical devices.

Basic qualification requirements

To begin to perform certain duties, the employee must have a certain level. From this indicator depends on his admission to work of varying complexity. There are six categories in all, from the simplest to the most complex, respectively. For each category there is a list of knowledge and skills that an employee should possess. All information about them is indicated in ETKS.

In order to get a rank, a person must pass an exam before a special commission, which includes a check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in working with electrical equipment. This is how a rank is assigned. For example, the duties of an electrician of the 5th category can be performed by a worker with the 4th category only under the supervision of a more experienced and qualified employee. That is, if a person with an insufficient level of qualification was hired to fulfill all the necessary duties, then a person should periodically work with him, whose documents indicate his high access to various works with electricity. Otherwise, you need to hire an employee with a sufficient level of qualification.

Admission groups and responsibilities (electrician)

In addition, there is still a division into five admission groups of different levels. For example, a person who has permission from the first group is an employee whose qualification allows you to work with various electrical devices, and he can help if someone suffers from an electric shock. But the fifth group is already received by engineers and other employees whose responsibilities include installation and organization of electrical operations. Moreover, the voltage during such work can exceed 1 thousand volts.

Responsibility and Rights

A very important part of the instruction is the duties of the electrician of the 4th category and others, but also not less important is the list of employees' rights and responsibility for the performance of their work duties.

Most of the rights of workers are granted to them by the legislation of the country. Such items cannot be changed by the management of the enterprise. But many organizations practice a workflow whereby they can add additional rights to this list. Basically, among the changes made to the list of rights, an employee can find the following:

  • An opportunity to demand from the management staff the assistance that an employee needs in order to fulfill his duties.
  • Have access to all projects for familiarization, which relate to his work and duties of an electrician.
  • Have the right to offer improvements that can improve the work of the enterprise in the field of its duties.
  • Obtaining all the information on which the ability to fulfill his duties depends, the electrician may require to receive them.

The responsibility of an employee for violations in work or non-compliance with safety rules is fully prescribed by law. If he does not fulfill his duties, then the labor law applies. If he violates the rights, then the responsibility depends on the administrative and criminal law, depending on his actions and so on.

At the moment, this profession is quite popular and highly paid. For its development, secondary vocational education is sufficient. Most often, enterprises need people who are able to fulfill the duties of an electrician 3 category and above.