career management

How to build a career taking into account constant technological changes

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How to build a career taking into account constant technological changes

Video: How to switch your career to coding 2024, July

Video: How to switch your career to coding 2024, July

More recently, it was believed that a good education in itself is a guarantee of successful employment and financial prosperity. However, the technological revolution that took place at the turn of the nineties did not leave a stone unturned from this confidence. Rapid changes affected many specialties, and some of them even became unclaimed. What can be advised to those who are now going to decide what business to devote their lives to?

People becoming redundant

This problem is new only in appearance, it just used to touch the “blue collar”, and now it has reached the “white”. Henry Ford, even at the stage of mass introduction of conveyor technologies for car assembly, argued that any monotonous operation carried out by a worker can be automated. From the point of view of the economic indicators of the enterprise, getting rid of a certain number of employees is usually considered a positive phenomenon, but what can a fired locksmith or turner do if a machine with program control can carry out his work? He will undoubtedly have to relearn if he does not want to eke out a miserable existence, receiving a benefit (and this is even in the best case).

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Abolition of Intellectual Workers

Technological improvements only primarily affected physical labor. In the nineties, the process of crowding out superfluous engineers, designers, draftsmen, accountants, and even programmers began. The operations they perform are also often subject to automation. In other words, sometimes you can do without them. Of course, while we are talking about specialists of low qualification working according to the template method. However, in some cases, machines are entrusted with tasks requiring a creative approach, although so far infrequently. The surprise is the use of computer technology to perform primordially “human” functions.

How does this happen most often?

Yes, it’s very simple, you can consider this process of crowding out a person with a machine using the example of an accountant. Before the advent of automated accounting systems, a large company required, in addition to the chief specialist, a number of auxiliary clerks who calculate salaries, pay taxes and keep various balance accounts. However, the "stock" of support staff sharply declined after the introduction of the well-known 1C program, not to mention more advanced accounting systems.

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Approximately the same processes occur in almost all areas of human activity, and even in medicine. Computer diagnostic systems themselves produce epicrisis and prescribe courses of treatment. Cars, ships and planes are designed according to the specified parameters, giving out drawings with a detailed study of all nodes. But this is not enough …


Changes have occurred even in areas where it is impossible to replace a person with a machine in principle. What happened? What is it that replaces people who were recently considered irreplaceable specialists? The question has a very simple answer. People are exchanged for other people, and the only difference is that they are willing to work for less. Technological advances in recent decades have led to greater freedom in the distribution, transmission and reception of information. Now a skilled worker can be in a distant city, abroad, on another continent, there is no need to put him at the office desk and monitor how he observes production discipline (also saving). You just need to give the task and pay for labor after its completion (again, at best). This method of business relations is called the foreign word “outsourcing”. The volume of market services for remotely engaged performers in the world has already exceeded one hundred billion dollars.

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What to do?

When planning his future career, a person immediately determines his place in life. There are two ways to do this. According to the first, you should pick up a list of all possible specialties and choose from them those that you can use to feel the most confident. It should be noted that this approach immediately gives the likely victim of reductions and abolitions. If some professions are less prone to moral aging (for example, a lawyer, a doctor or an electronics engineer), then there is no insurance against the fact that the vacancy will not be given to a remote specialist (yes, and diagnoses are increasingly made remotely, using modern communication capabilities), living in a country with more modest payment terms. But there are also labor migrants who offer their conscientious work much cheaper. Even electricians, nurses, plumbers and other representatives of irreplaceable professions that require the unconditional personal presence of an employee risk being on the street under the pressure of competition in the context of globalization and the free movement of labor resources. Unless, of course …

This is the whole point. Perhaps more important is not what to be, but what to be. A specialist of the highest qualification, capable of quick adaptation in the event of a change in technology, is always in demand. Nowadays, every employee must be ready for retraining, and then unemployment does not threaten him, he will always successfully sell his work.

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