
How to attract referrals? Nine Free Ways

How to attract referrals? Nine Free Ways

Video: How To Get Free And UN Limited Referrals And Traffic To Any Site Without Investment Easy to Use 2020 2024, July

Video: How To Get Free And UN Limited Referrals And Traffic To Any Site Without Investment Easy to Use 2020 2024, July

There are many ways to attract referrals. All of them are divided into paid and free. The former are less labor intensive and faster, but will require significant financial investments. Although the result may not be. The second ones are slow and take a lot of time. But it’s best to start with free ones. Let's look at some of them.

1. Invite friends

This is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to attract referrals. You can tell them everything in detail and immediately bring to work. The only negative is that there are not many of them. In addition, not everyone will be active.

2. Message Boards

On the web there are enough boards where you can place ads. With luck, it will attract many referrals. But there is one important point. Your ads need to be constantly updated, as the competition on the Internet is very high. If you do this, then you will not have to think about how to attract referrals.

3. Social networks

This can be adding information about earnings in your profile or creating a separate group. This way you can find a lot of people. But for this you need to work hard and spend time daily to promote your page or group.

4. Website development

This is probably the most promising way to attract referrals. With a fairly good promotion of the resource, it will be visited by many interested people - potential referrals. Moreover, if you correctly tell the site about the specifics of registration, they will not ask unnecessary questions and will be actively involved in the work. Use free platforms like Joomla! To create your site. and WordPress.

5. Forums

How to attract referrals through the link? Very simple. Post it on thematic forums with a description of your site, job offer, payment amount, etc. Thus, you will learn a lot of useful information, exchange links, find interested people, and significantly increase your advertising volume. But before you post, read the forum rules, as their violation threatens not only to delete posts, but also to block the account.

6. Chats or ICQ

If a person refuses the offer, then he can be asked about the reasons, and, of course, to convince. If successful, he won’t be bothered by your online help with registration.

7. E-mail newsletter

There are many sites on the Internet through which it can be implemented. This is an easy way to convey information to a large number of people. Only, unfortunately, most letters will not be read and marked as spam.

8. Work sites

Another way to attract a lot of referrals is to post a job advertisement on job sites. Many people are interested in the work, so the traffic on such sites is quite high. Only, just as in the forums, there are certain rules that you should familiarize yourself with. For any violations, the ad simply will not be published.

9. Ads offline

This method is more suitable for attracting territorial referrals. Write tear-off announcements and paste them on poles, porches, fences, etc. You can also throw printed ads into mailboxes, under car wipers, etc. But you should prepare in advance for discontent and claims from owners of mailboxes, cars and etc.