career management

Who is the porter: qualification requirements, responsibilities

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Who is the porter: qualification requirements, responsibilities

Video: #DiamondBack Guide: Release 29 Tech Talk with Eric Porter 2024, July

Video: #DiamondBack Guide: Release 29 Tech Talk with Eric Porter 2024, July

Checking into a hotel or hotel, people think little about the functions of each employee who is part of the staff. It is important for vacationers or business travelers that the room is clean, food can be delivered in the shortest possible time, assistance with luggage was organized in a timely manner. And often the guests know about the duties of, for example, a maid, but who the porter is is a mystery.

Who can become the receptionist

The receptionist is, in other words, the receptionist at the hotel. The duties of this employee depend directly on the size of the hotel complex and its capacity for guests. The receptionist in the hotel (small) has a wide range of responsibilities. This is due to the fact that in large hotels special services are involved for most of the actions regarding guests.

Since the work of the receptionist involves meeting guests at the entrance or at the front desk, a person is presentable with a presentable pleasant appearance. Higher education is not required, but secondary (complete) general education, individual training (or secondary vocational education in the hospitality industry) and knowledge of two foreign languages ​​are needed.

Job responsibilities

Who is the receptionist, on arrival at the hotel is easy to understand. Guests see him often, and most of the operations and activities related to registration of the room are done by this particular employee.

The duties of the receptionist include:

  1. Control of timely payment of debts by settled citizens (for accommodation and additional services).
  2. All operations related to checking the documents of the settled guests (permission to check in upon presentation of a passport, execution of all necessary documents, compliance with the passport regime).
  3. Monitoring the movement of rooms, preparing rooms for check-in in a timely manner, observing the rules that are established at the hotel by residents.
  4. Supervision of the change of duty personnel and record keeping in a special journal.
  5. Resolving conflicts between internal employees so that this does not affect the hotel’s service ability.
  6. Documentation and reporting to accounting.
  7. Interaction with residents: issuing / receiving keys to rooms, as well as their storage out of use, informing guests about the availability of additional paid and free services and their provision.


Who is the receptionist, we figured out. And if before it seemed that there was nothing complicated in the work of this employee, now, knowing the scope of his duties (often even wider than indicated above), you won’t think about it.

There are many nuances that the receptionist should not forget about. For example, if a client pays for accommodation with a credit card, then the name and surname on the card must match the name and surname in the passport. And there are many such examples.

A person working in this position must successfully cope with multitasking, be able to receive both the Russian guest and the guest from China, be responsible and keep a cool mind in difficult situations.

Now, thinking about who the receptionist is, many will understand that this is not just a smiling person at the reception desk who gives and receives keys to rooms, but an employee with a lot of responsibilities affecting the functioning of the entire hotel.