career management

Who is a technical writer: responsibilities, training, and profession characteristics

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Who is a technical writer: responsibilities, training, and profession characteristics

Video: How to become a Technical Writer | Skills & Career Growth 2024, July

Video: How to become a Technical Writer | Skills & Career Growth 2024, July

We rarely hear about a profession like a technical writer. However, this is an exclusively necessary specialty in industrial enterprises and in companies in the IT sphere. What does this expert do? What education do you need to be a technical writer? How much does a professional in this field earn? We will try to answer the questions of many careerists.

About the profession

A technical writer is a specialist in the preparation of engineering documentation. He performs the following types of work:

  • preparation of documents describing the production process (explanatory notes to projects and drawings, technical specifications, instructions, passports for finished products);
  • maintaining engineering documentation up to date;
  • editing technical texts;
  • a description of the rules, work standards, algorithms for performing actions;
  • analysis, systematization, grouping of engineering documentation;
  • execution of the texts, if necessary - layout of material for printing;
  • making speeches for reports, presentations of complex technical products;
  • writing advertising articles;
  • translation of technical documentation from one language into another;
  • maintaining a company website;
  • description of the methods of work of the enterprise;
  • preparation of manuals for training new employees;
  • participation in drafting contracts (if necessary);
  • writing descriptions and instructions for software products;
  • reference resources.

In each company, where the staff has a technical writer, his responsibilities depend on what tasks the employer company faces in the near future.

Why is the profession of a technical writer important and unique?

Note that the documentation with which this specialist works can be intended for internal or external use.

When compiling “internal” technical documents, their author ensures the prompt exchange of information between all links in the production chain. The task of a technical writer is to ensure that all employees involved in the production process have a common understanding regarding:

  • characteristics of individual parts;
  • rules for the operation of devices, hardware systems, tools;
  • software application procedures;
  • product test procedures.

The "external" documentation is written by a technical writer for customers, customers, investors and other interested parties "from the outside." In presentations, advertising brochures, on the company’s corporate website, this expert should present difficult to understand technical information in an easy-to-understand form.

At industrial enterprises, the author of engineering documentation is one of the first employees who is involved in working with a new product. He studies and describes it.

Where are technical writers needed?

Jobs for these specialists can most often be found in IT companies that produce software products or automated control systems.

Also, documentation engineers are always happy to see at large industrial enterprises, where, as a rule, entire departments for working with documentation are created. Technical writers are in demand in chemical industries and in the aerospace industry. The factories that produce cars, household appliances, and tools are not without them.

Jobs for compilers of technical documentation are often in budget structures. Expert engineers prepare texts of orders, regulations, instructions in the manufacturing sector.

Where to get an education?

Russian universities do not train professionals in the specialty of “technical writer”. Training of future authors of engineering documentation is most often carried out at the duty station. As a rule, technical writers are specialists with an engineering background who are able to correctly express their thoughts in writing. Former documentation engineers are often retrained as documentation experts, less often philologists and translators. A technical writer often requires knowledge of the English language.


How much does a technical writer get? Salary depends on what responsibilities and on what conditions this specialist performs.

If a person is employed at a large industrial enterprise, where large volumes of texts with descriptions of production processes are required to be prepared, his monthly income is from 60 to 120 thousand rubles.

A documentation specialist can consistently earn money as a freelancer, serving several customers at the same time. It is easier for many companies to pay for one-time services, the professional performer of which is a technical writer. Remotely fulfilling orders, an expert who has established himself in the market receives up to 150 thousand rubles. in month The first earnings of novice specialists are 5-10 thousand rubles. in month

Work searches

A graduate of a technical university may try to start a career as an engineer in drafting documentation at an industrial enterprise or in an IT company as an intern. At the beginning of the professional path, you will need to perform simple types of work: compose information, draw up graphics, work with lists, prepare screenshots of screens for inclusion in documents.

If you have already found an open position "technical writer", try to write a resume competently. Any inaccuracy (incorrect wording, mistake in spelling or punctuation) will indicate a low qualification or inaccuracy of the candidate for the position.

A portfolio with samples of completed work will need to be attached to the resume.

Opportunities for professional development and career growth

As we have already said, a technical writer can be a member of the company or carry out orders as a freelancer. Some experts combine both ways of earning. You can develop your career in horizontal or vertical direction.

In the event that horizontal development is chosen, the author of the documentation constantly improves qualifications and expands the scope of activities. Due to this, he earns more.

Having chosen horizontal career development, a technical writer compiles reference books, manuals, technical dictionaries, which are in demand among industry experts, and receives royalties for them. He can also earn money by writing articles for specialized magazines and sites.

An experienced documentation engineer teaches the wisdom of his craft to young colleagues. He not only gives them the necessary knowledge orally, but also plans a training program, and also draws up tests to assess the quality of mastering the material. For this, the employer, as a rule, pays the “teacher” additional cash bonuses.

You can increase your earnings by studying foreign languages. Linguistic education turns such an applicant into an exclusive specialist in working with documents of foreign companies.

Vertical career development is associated with moving up the administrative ladder. Working in a large enterprise, a technical writer can gradually become the leader of a working group. Under his leadership, in this case, not only colleagues in the specialty will work, but also copywriters, programmers, translators, and PR specialists. An even higher career level is the head of the technical documentation department.

Necessary professional qualities and skills

A technical writer should:

  • well versed in their professional field;
  • fluent in the language in which he prepares the documentation, compose texts without spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors;
  • have an idea of ​​programming, computer technology, information products;
  • to be aware of what colleagues of related specialties do;
  • own a computer at the level of a confident user, know special programs for editing text, layout and web-design;
  • be able to quickly learn new computer programs and their updates;
  • fluent in technical English;
  • have self-organization and work planning skills.

Medical restrictions

Such work is not associated with a risk to life and health. At first glance, there are no special restrictions for her. However, a person with low intelligence, neuropsychic disorders, and also with poor eyesight cannot work as a technical writer.

Now you know who a technical writer is and how his career is developing. This specialty in our country is still quite rare. Therefore, now professional compilers of documentation are very in demand in the labor market.