
"Tell us about yourself": this is what the potential boss needs to answer during the interview

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"Tell us about yourself": this is what the potential boss needs to answer during the interview

Video: Tell Me About Yourself - Good Answer To This Tough Interview Question 2024, July

Video: Tell Me About Yourself - Good Answer To This Tough Interview Question 2024, July

Interviewing is a very exciting procedure. You spend a lot of time preparing, choose an image, come early. But when your potential employer asks you: “Tell us about yourself,” your thoughts begin to get confused, you get scared, panic and either start saying something inarticulate under your breath, or tell the smallest details of your life from a very young age.

In order for you not to get into an awkward situation, we have prepared this material. We will tell you how to answer this question during the interview. Of course, there is not the only right answer, but there are several good ways that will make you look like the perfect candidate for the position in question.

What exactly does the employer mean when asking this question?

After you have thought through the answers to the most difficult questions regarding the workflow, asking to tell about yourself can be even a little annoying. However, do not take it negatively. For an employer, interviewing candidates for a job is also a rather complicated process. With this request, management gives you the opportunity to say exactly what he needs to hear about you.

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Of course, you are not asked about the earliest years of your life. In this case, you should adapt your answer to the specific role that you plan to receive. Thus, you should talk about what you did in order to become the best candidate for the vacant position. Your answer should take no more than 45-60 seconds.

Prepare a clear answer

You must prepare a clear answer to this question. You should present yourself in the best possible light. Here’s a good example: “I’m a result-oriented human resources manager with experience in many industries, including media, technology and retail. My knowledge of human resources was gained through many years of work in which the main role was given to live communication. I know what needs to be done in order to ensure the results of the company's development. ”

Understand what the employer wants to hear.

You can find tips on what you have to say about yourself in the list of vacancies, as well as in the section "About the company" on its website. The employer wants to know if you have the right skills for the job and whether your worldview is compatible with the company's culture. It’s not enough to say that you are good at various tasks. You should provide specific examples of exactly how you coped with the tasks in the past workplace.

Show yourself

Most importantly, do not try to compose something or embellish the story about yourself during the interview. Speak sincerely and positively, describing yourself exactly as the person you are in life. Employers have the necessary skills to recognize truth and falsehood. Therefore, your deception can play against you.

Have you encountered such a question in an interview? How did you handle the employer's request to tell about yourself?

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