career management

Where to go to work? Earnings abroad. Earnings in the North

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Where to go to work? Earnings abroad. Earnings in the North

Video: Finance & Accounting jobs in Canada | Salaries, Certifications, In-demand skills 2024, June

Video: Finance & Accounting jobs in Canada | Salaries, Certifications, In-demand skills 2024, June

Where to go to work? This question, probably, was asked by every resident of the Russian hinterland who fell under staff reductions. The same problem is faced by those who for a long time cannot find jobs in their hometown. Yes, and dissatisfied with the size of wages are also thinking about changing their jobs. In conditions of crisis in the economy, the question of where to go to work, is becoming increasingly relevant.

As before, people go "for a long ruble" to the metropolis of St. Petersburg, to the regions of the Far North.

However, today there is no need to immediately go to the frosty and snowy Surgut in order to personally look for work there - the Internet exists for these purposes. However, we should not forget that on the World Wide Web you can come across unscrupulous employers who promise the "golden mountains", but in reality they can simply be deceived. It is for this reason that the question of where to go to work requires a carefully considered and balanced decision - do not rush to immediately leave the current place of work. First, go to a potential employer to "scout the situation." Make sure that a company that needs staff like you really exists, and the proposed salary is not a myth.

Work in the metropolitan metropolis

Where to go to work? “Of course, to Moscow!” - many will say. On the one hand, they are really right. This truly magnificent and very expensive city attracts many wealthy tourists, large businessmen of international level, artists, finally.

Find your place in the implementation of the projects of these people - that’s where the opportunities are, here’s the prospect!

With a diploma and work experience, there are more chances to find a job

Of course, if the applicant has vast experience and high qualifications, then he is provided with good earnings in Moscow. Large metropolitan companies create for such workers all the conditions for their career growth. They also compensate for the cost of moving from one city to another, renting a house in a convenient area, and help to register in the capital.

Is it profitable for people without higher education to work in the capital

However, people who do not have higher education and experience in Moscow have to rely solely on themselves. Making money by a driver, a seller or a laborer is their lot, and the amount of wages for such work is not too high: in most cases, it is only enough for food and housing. Traveling by taxi and metro to the place of work and back also requires certain expenses.

In addition, the employee needs to regularly update his wardrobe. So is it worth it to work as a cook in Moscow for 20 thousand rubles, if in Krasnodar the exact same cook receives 15 thousand rubles? Most likely not. The same goes for professions such as the packer, picker and loader. When working on a schedule of 12 hours a day, you can count on 20 thousand rubles a day.

However, this does not mean at all that people without higher education cannot receive relatively “good” money in Moscow. In particular, if you get a job with Mosgortrans as a bus driver, then the payment for such work will vary from 35 to 60 thousand rubles. A milling machine operator or a turner can count on a salary of 50 thousand rubles, provided that he is highly qualified.

In the past, making money in Moscow was a real opportunity to feed a family. At the present time, when the economic crisis prevails in the country and companies are trying to save on everything, including wages, before going to work in the capital metropolis, everything should be carefully considered.

Work in the North

Do not know where to go to work? “To the North,” the townsfolk advise. Are they right? In part, yes. Currently, residents of many Russian regions are traveling materially to enrich themselves in such cities as Khanty-Mansiysk, Krasnoyarsk, Surgut, Tyumen, Urengoy. However, to achieve the above goals, it is very important to organize the trip correctly. Again, only those who have a certain specialty and have extensive experience can expect large earnings. At the same time, potential applicants must take into account the difficult nature of work: in the North, not everyone can work in a terrible cold and cold.

Where to get a job

The highest paid industries are those related to the gas and oil industry, and forest processing. Specialists in these areas receive "good" money.

Many are interested in the question of what salary a driver working in any gas company can expect. In fairness, it should be noted that the driver of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” receives a good reward for their work - about 40 thousand rubles. In addition to the salary for a good job, he can be awarded cash bonuses and bonuses.

Through a global network, you can, without leaving your hometown, analyze the available vacancies at Urengoygazprom or Surgutneftegaz and send your own resume. It is possible that it is your candidacy that will interest the management of companies involved in the extraction of natural resources. We emphasize once again that if you get a job with such an employer, then you are guaranteed a high salary.

Without experience and qualifications

However, what to do for those unemployed citizens who do not have high qualifications and experience? Is employment in the North really futile for them? Not at all. Again, you need to resort to the help of the Internet and do a job search somewhere in Nizhnevartovsk. Here it should be said about the need to take courses related to training in your chosen specialty, and you do not have to study as a driller. It will be enough courses on driving special equipment. To gain experience after obtaining admission, you will have to work for some time in organizations whose field of activity is not related to mining. After that, you can start sending resumes to various reputable oil and gas refining companies so that you are put “in reserve” when the vacancy is vacated.

Summer work

Many people puzzle over what earnings in the summer can be. This issue is especially relevant for young people.

In June, the holidays begin, and everyone rushes south. Naturally, it makes sense to go to the Black Sea coast and work there as a bartender or waitress. If you do not want to be a staff in a cafe, you can work at a kiosk selling ice cream, carbonated drinks or tobacco.

Work abroad

A huge number of people are interested in the question: is it worth going to work abroad today?

Despite the fact that, according to the media, the growth rate of the Russian economy is gradually increasing, the Russians do not miss the opportunity to find jobs outside their own country. Which routes are currently the most popular? First of all, these are countries such as Finland, Spain and Italy. And we are talking about unskilled seasonal labor, when, in particular, harvesters of vegetables and berries are required.

Earnings abroad for a woman, as a rule, are outlined by three professions: a nanny, a nurse, a housekeeper. However, without knowledge of a foreign language this kind of work is practically impossible to get. On the other hand, there is no need to spend money on housing and food, as these benefits are provided directly by the employer.

Men are invited to work in Spain, Poland and Canada as workers at construction sites.

Solid money is also received by those who work on oil rigs in Norway.

Those who resort to the services of recruiting agencies are more likely to get a job abroad. However, when choosing them, caution should be exercised so as not to fall into the "paws" of scammers.