career management

The policeman is a profession chosen by the strong and courageous

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The policeman is a profession chosen by the strong and courageous

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Video: Home of The Brave - Together We Are Stronger - Full, Free Inspirational Movie 2024, July

Law is a state tool designed to maintain order in the country. But the reality is that the law itself often has to be protected, because there are so many people in the world who want to break it. That is why in every state there are those who tirelessly monitor the order, and if necessary become a mountain to defend it.

A policeman is a guardian of the law. Only strong in mind and body people are able to master it, so to speak, to become a stronghold of modern society.

Who is a policeman?

First you need to understand the features of this work, because few are familiar with all its subtleties. For example, the police profession for children seems to be something filled with adventure and excitement. Adults, on the contrary, see it as routine and too dangerous. But what is she really?

In reality, the policeman is a profession in which there is all of the above. There are days when the service seems to freeze in place, nothing happens, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs only remains to fill the mountains of paper. But at one moment everything can change - only the bell will sound, and the outfit is already rushing to the next call. And who knows what danger lies there?

Police profession: profession description

If we talk about the specific duties of the police, then we can distinguish the following:

  • The detention of criminals. This also includes conducting investigative experiments, searching for evidence and interviewing witnesses.
  • Work with the public. This item includes conducting educational conversations with schoolchildren, identifying dangerous individuals, keeping records of disadvantaged families, and so on.
  • Monitoring the legality of all processes. The work of the police does not end on the capture of the criminal, because he still needs to pass a sentence. At the same time, it should not be too soft or harsh, and therefore, all the processes are monitored by the court.

How to become a policeman?

Any citizen with secondary or higher education can apply for a position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, his gender, color and creed do not matter (although there are still more guys among the police).

To apply, you need to contact the nearest department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the operator will inform you about all possible vacancies and voice the requirements for them. If there is still a place, then the person is sent for examination to a psychiatrist. Only with his permission is the future policeman allowed to go to the hospital for further medical examination.

If all mental and physical indicators are normal, then the candidate will be credited to the service. True, you will first have to undergo an internship that lasts from 3 to 6 months. During this period, although wages will be accrued, its size will be much less than that of regular colleagues.

How to get a policeman education?

A policeman is a profession that requires not only excellent strength, but also knowledge in the field of jurisprudence. Therefore, getting a high position will be possible only after graduating from a specialized educational institution.

You can do it yourself. This, for example, can be cadet schools, universities with a military department or institutes under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, you can get a special referral, but for this you need to be in the service or be a police officer.

Advantages and disadvantages

A policeman is a profession that has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the risk. After all, police officers often have to deal with criminals who, in order to achieve their goals, can go to extremes. Also at the moment, the salary of an ordinary policeman borders on a minimum level, which is very disappointing, given the specifics of the profession.

Nevertheless, there are positive aspects too. First of all, this is self-esteem, pride in the fact that on your shoulders lies responsibility for the lives of others and order in the country. In addition, career growth, which motivates us to move forward, is an important factor.

Another thing worth noting is state security, a full social package and early retirement.