career management

Assistant Attorney - The Most Interesting Job

Assistant Attorney - The Most Interesting Job

Video: Government Law Jobs: Being An Assistant Attorney General 2024, July

Video: Government Law Jobs: Being An Assistant Attorney General 2024, July

A lawyer in his work may resort to the work of assistants. His assistant must be a person with a higher, incomplete higher or secondary legal education, previously convicted and fully competent. Assistant advocate cannot carry out advocacy activities. He should only carry out the assignments that his boss gives him.

The duties of an assistant lawyer include: conducting business correspondence, collecting and systematizing regulatory material, drafting the necessary procedural documents, such as claims, complaints, lawsuits, as well as petitions, applications and contracts, collecting the necessary documentation. These documents must be checked by a lawyer and signed in person. The assistant lawyer can generalize law enforcement practice, get acquainted with the materials of civil and criminal cases in courts, attend the preliminary investigation and be in court with the lawyer.

A person who wants to be accepted for the position of assistant to a lawyer is required to submit an application to a lawyer's education and pass certification. An attorney education in the person of the employer enters into an employment contract with him, starts a personal file and a work book. A special certificate is issued to him. His social insurance is made from the fees of a supervising attorney or the foundation of lawyer education.

Each assistant’s working day is not like another. It can be irregular, depending on the urgency of the cases and the degree of their importance. The assistant to the lawyer may represent the interests of the agent in state and public organizations on behalf of the lawyer and with the consent of the agent. He can spend all day in the office, working with the legal system and searching for the rules governing specific civil law relations, reading the rules of law prescribed in laws, or he can travel around the city all day by visiting many authorities or organizations. A lawyer may entrust him with the execution of unplanned orders.

The assistant attorney must be attentive, responsible and accurate, as any slightest mistake can lead to consequences that will be very difficult to correct in the future. Thanks to his activities, he draws knowledge from so many fields and can put them into practice, comprehensively develops and enriches his potential. In a year or two, he himself will be able to become a lawyer.

Choosing a profession as a lawyer, a lawyer and his assistant help people protect their rights. And it’s a very interesting and diverse work. The assistant to the lawyer must be proactive and try to achieve his goal, understand people and find a common language with everyone, develop discipline and responsibility in himself, be flexible in solving important issues, and achieve goals both in work and in life.

Today, each of us must have minimal knowledge in the field of law and be able to apply them if necessary.