
Example autobiography for a job

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Example autobiography for a job

Video: How To Write A Short Professional Bio - PERSONAL Bio Example 2024, July

Video: How To Write A Short Professional Bio - PERSONAL Bio Example 2024, July

When applying for a new job, applicants must provide a potential employer with not only a resume, but often also an autobiography. This is necessary so that the company has a certain idea of ​​life experience gained during training and previous work. An example of an autobiography for employment will be given in this article.

Event Description Sequence

All events are described in chronological order, first you need to introduce yourself, write a name, date and place of birth. Further, the autobiography should contain information about parents, about studying at school and institute. Then you can go on to describe the marital status and list the members of your family (husband / wife and children). It is also worthwhile to provide information about places of previous employment and the knowledge and experience gained.

Autobiography Example

I, Ivanova Sofya Vasilievna (nee Petrova), was born on August 15, 1985 in the city of Vyborg, Leningrad Region.

Parents: Petrov Vasily Ivanovich, born in 1961, a teacher of labor in Vyborg School No. 1. Petrova Elena Alexandrovna, born in 1962, a district therapist in the city polyclinic of Vyborg. Petrova's sister Oksana Vasilievna is finishing school.

From 1992 to 2002 she studied at secondary school number 1 in Vyborg. During her studies, she took part in district and regional olympiads in literature and the Russian language, in amateur performances and in the publication of wall newspapers. The average mark at the end of school is 4.8.

From 2002 to 2007 she studied at St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Philology in full-time. Entrance tests passed on the first stream, studied English and Spanish, received a diploma in translation.

In 2007, she got a job at the Druzhba Hotel (Vyborg) as a consultant-translator. Here I learned to find a common language with all people, resolve conflicts, and resolve urgent issues.

In 2009, she married Petr Vladimirovich Ivanov, her husband works in the police. In 2010, she gave birth to a daughter, Olga Petrovna Ivanova. Now she is 4 years old, she attends kindergarten No. 4, in case of illness, her husband or our parents can sit with her.

During maternity leave, she decided to change her profession, graduated from courses of secretary-referents with knowledge of a foreign language. Therefore, I was interested in the vacancy of Sampo LLC. I know from reviews that this is a stable company that takes care of its subordinates. There I will have the opportunity to reveal all my talents, gain new knowledge and develop as a specialist.

Passport data: 1111 series number 222222, issued 01.01.2000 FMS of Vyborg.

Changes and additions to the autobiography

The above describes only an example of an autobiography, which you can change and modify based on your characteristics of education and activities. It is very important for the employer to know the reasons for your appeal to their company, as well as what you learned during your studies and work, in addition to obtaining the necessary knowledge in the profession. If you need to write an autobiography, the example above will help you correctly form a sequence of descriptions of life events. Men should also make a mark on military service. Any performance achievements and training in qualification courses should also be noted in this statement.

The proposed autobiography example contains each of the items listed that should be highlighted, but in any case, you can add any information from yourself, because the narrative should not be limited to dry facts.