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Professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher. What should be a kindergarten teacher

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Professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher. What should be a kindergarten teacher

Video: 10 Qualities of a Great Preschool Teacher 2024, July

Video: 10 Qualities of a Great Preschool Teacher 2024, July

What should be a kindergarten teacher in modern realities? This profession is special in its significance and essence.

Profession Features

The specificity of labor lies in the fact that the child, who is a unique creation of nature, acts as the main object. The teacher should deal with the spiritual, mental, physical development of the baby. It is for this reason that working as a teacher in kindergarten is one of the most responsible and important in the modern world.

The specifics of pedagogical activity

All the work of the teacher is aimed at the formation of the main activities that contribute to the development of a harmoniously developed personality of the preschooler. For the successful implementation of all the tasks assigned to the teacher, he must have genuine professional skill. Not all holders of a diploma of a pedagogical educational institution will be able to become good employees of a preschool educational institution. Work as a teacher in kindergarten involves the implementation of musical, play, labor, research, project activities with pupils.

Teacher work program

There are certain requirements for the level of training, as well as for the direct activities of a pedagogical worker of a preschool institution. In addition to secondary vocational or higher specialized education, there should be a special work program for the educator. It indicates the main goals of working with pupils: educational, developing, educational. Here the tasks set by the educator for a certain period, the ways to achieve them are prescribed. According to the new standards of preschool education, the teacher prescribes all the basic universal abilities and skills that his pupils should master after the completion of the course. Depending on which profile is chosen by the preschool institution, teacher programs can be narrowly targeted. Among the most common areas in the preschool educational institution is the leader in patriotic, environmental, physical education.

Functions for the implementation of educational activities of the teacher

To implement the tasks assigned to the educator by the modern system of Russian education, he needs certain functions. Communicatively-stimulating function involves the teacher’s ability to establish contact with children, maintain friendly relations with children. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher require the manifestation of emotional attitude, care, warmth, love and respect for kids. This function involves full communication not only with the wards, but also with parents, other employees, colleagues.

The diagnostic function is interconnected with the study of the characteristics of each child and the establishment of their level of education and development. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher include knowledge of the characteristics of child developmental psychology. If the teacher does not have information about the level of moral, mental, physical development of the child, he has no place in kindergarten. A true professional will study all the personal characteristics of each child in his group, get to know his parents, analyze the living conditions, atmosphere in the family to be aware of everything that happens to his kids.

Orientation and prognostic function presupposes such professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher as planning educational and development work. In addition, the professional interests of a DOE employee should include a desire to be creative in their activities.

Structurally - the design function characterizes the professional qualities of the kindergarten teacher regarding the organization of training sessions and educational games, projects with kids.

The organizational function is considered the most complex, it is it that allows the teacher to demonstrate his personal characteristics. Only a person who is keen on his profession can lead children to “ignite” a spark of knowledge in them. The teacher selects, structures information during communication with the children, organizes various activities for them, analyzes the desire of the kids to get new knowledge, skills.

The research function implies the ability of the teacher himself to engage in self-education, to develop his professional interests in order to be a real example for the child.

What should a teacher be able to

There are certain personal qualities that a kindergarten teacher should possess. Education of this profile can be obtained at a teacher training college or university. First of all, it is necessary to note the dominant qualities. If the teacher does not like children, does not want to work with them, there is not even a question of his pedagogical competence.


This quality is especially important for representatives of this profession. It is the educator who must provide timely support and assistance to the child, help him in overcoming the problems associated with communicating with other children. Under the guidance of a sensitive mentor, the baby is transformed from an “ugly duckling” to a beautiful “swan”. During a visit to the kindergarten, the personal growth of the child should go, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills should grow.


The caregiver must be tolerant of his children. There are no situations when the teacher raises the voice for children during the lesson.

Pedagogical tact and justice

This quality implies that the mentor observes universal human norms of interaction and communication with preschoolers. In addition, a professional educator takes into account the individual qualities of each child, his psychological characteristics. According to the new Federal State Educational Standard, for each pupil of the kindergarten, his own educational path is built, along which he advances under the guidance of his mentor. Justice is an obligatory quality of a modern teacher of preschool education. He is obliged to behave impartially in relation to each baby. What other personal qualities should a good tutor have? He must be optimistic, not lost in extreme situations, have charm and personal charm, have a sense of humor, have everyday wisdom. From the point of view of social activity, such a teacher should always be ready to help colleagues in solving social and social problems related primarily to the educational sphere.

Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

The Ministry of Education has developed requirements that a modern teacher of a preschool institution must meet.

  • He is obliged to plan, organize, carry out activities and children and their education in the preschool.
  • The teacher is engaged in daily work, which is aimed at providing conditions for the social and psychological rehabilitation of preschool children.
  • In his work, he is obliged to apply modern pedagogical technologies, to master techniques, methods, teaching aids.
  • Based on the recommendations of a child psychologist, the results of personal research, he works with children individually, in groups, and is engaged in correctional and developmental activities.
  • Together with a medical professional, he develops and implements a set of measures aimed at preventing and strengthening the physical health of preschool children.

Together with medical workers, it ensures the preservation of children's health, holds events that promote their psychophysical development, and is responsible for their life and health.

The teacher is required to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation relating to pre-school education, to own the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Such a word as “educator” comes from “nourish”, that is, to feed. The modern dictionary interprets this profession as a person who is engaged in the education of someone, assumes all responsibility for the development and conditions of existence of the personality of another person. There were objective reasons for the appearance of this pedagogical profession. For the full development of society, it was important that the experience gained by older generations be passed on to children. For the first time, this profession appeared in ancient Greece. At that far time, the slave was responsible for the development of the child. It was he who first watched the baby, after the child grew up, accompanied him to school. The duties of the slave included monitoring the development of the child, his behavior and the acts committed. Gradually, the slave was replaced by home teachers (governesses), and then kindergarten teachers. Modern teachers of DU are creative and vibrant personalities. They are distinguished by emotional stamina, endurance, patience, poise, observation. Representatives of this profession have excellent communication and verbal abilities. The educator is an excellent organizer who has a clear speech and is able to attract the attention of the interlocutor. All representatives of this important and responsible profession have a developed sense of personal responsibility. They are active, proactive, kind towards their pupils and colleagues. There are certain medical restrictions that do not allow a person to work as a preschool teacher. The candidate for the position of educator undergoes a medical examination. People with mental disorders, serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and severe stuttering are not allowed in children. You can’t work in kindergarten and those who have skin, sexually transmitted and infectious diseases are virus carriers.