career management

Documentation profession: job responsibilities

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Documentation profession: job responsibilities

Video: What are the typical tasks in Document Control, role by role (job description) 2024, July

Video: What are the typical tasks in Document Control, role by role (job description) 2024, July

Document flow is an important component of the activity and an indispensable element of management of any institution, organization, enterprise. Business papers must be properly composed, stored systematically and optimally moved. With the development of the economy, information flows and the number of documents in all spheres of human activity are increasing. Therefore, nowadays, the demand for a fairly new profession is growing - a document manager.

Who is a document manager

A document specialist is a specialist who is engaged in registration and accounting of documentation. Related professions are secretary, archivist, clerk.

Administrative documents of the management should be properly drawn up in accordance with the standards and brought to the attention of employees, and precisely those for whom the orders were intended. Documents tend to become obsolete, go out of circulation. In this case, they must be sorted in accordance with legislative acts on record keeping and placed in the archive. All this is done by a document manager.

The job responsibilities of a document specialist may seem boring. But this is only at first glance. Through the hands of a document manager, especially if he is the only one responsible for document management at the enterprise, all information flows pass through, he can track the work of all departments and understand the mechanisms of activity and development of the company.

In large organizations, the responsibilities of specialists in working with documents are usually divided: design, registration, entering into an electronic database, execution control, storage are carried out by different people and even entire departments.

What a document manager needs to know

In order to correctly draw up documents in which information is presented concisely, clearly and clearly, a specialist must know the purpose and forms of compiling all types of documents. In order to know what a legally binding document looks like, it must own the basics of law.

Since today most of the documents are stored on electronic media, and a computer exchange of information is needed, the document management specialist must understand the software. He must create electronic databases and be able to communicate with personnel serving automated systems for creating, storing and transmitting documents.

To store documents in the archive, a specialist must know certain rules and specifications. Purpose of documents and their confidentiality, terms, storage conditions - according to these criteria, you need to sort the documents in the archive, and then create an effective search system.

Documentation Responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a document manager in an institution include

- compilation, accounting, storage and control of documents;

- systematization of workflow and ensuring the movement of documents;

- Organization of optimal document flow within the organization;

- storage organization and development of documentation classifiers;

- sorting, examination of value and transfer to the archive of documents with expired validity;

- streamlining of incoming documentation;

- development of standard forms and sheets of documents;

- creation of document bases with the creation of registration numbers and indices and electronic storage addresses;

- preparation of necessary materials for meetings, negotiations and meetings.

The leading document manager performs the official duties, in fact, the same, but with a greater share of responsibility, plus gives tasks to lower-ranking employees.

Job responsibilities of a document manager in an educational institution

A document manager at an educational institution should know, among other legislative acts, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Since kindergartens and schools have a limited staff, a document manager combines the duties of a secretary, a clerk, and a staff worker, is guided by the methodological recommendations for working with documents in educational institutions (letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 02.12.2000 No. 03-51 / 64).

The duties of a document manager in a kindergarten include, among other things, the preparation of employment contracts with employees and the execution of personal files, and the keeping of a children's book. He also works with a military registration desk and maintains appropriate documentation if there are military liable employees in the institution.

The document manager complements the official duties at the school by preparing draft administrative documents on the movement of the contingent and filling out personal files, keeping an alphabetical book of students and taking into account the hours of school work of school workers, processing and processing the transfer of students' personal files to the archive.

Higher educational institutions conduct not only educational activities, but also scientific ones.

The duties of a document manager at a university make a specialist at least in general understand the profile of a particular faculty, because he has to prepare documents for meetings and meetings and keep their minutes and telephone conversations on behalf of the dean.

Personal qualities of a document management specialist

Attentiveness is the most important quality of a specialist in working with documents. Accuracy, scrupulousness and responsibility complement the list of personal qualities necessary for working with business papers. Errors in data, violation of the law, loss of documents can cost the company a lot when concluding a contract or personnel audit.

The volumes of information that a document manager works with require good memory.

To work in any field, he needs perseverance and literacy when working with papers, and in the field of personnel management - and organizational abilities, and creativity, and communication skills.

Setting the right goals and working with the structure of the company, the so-called entrepreneurial qualities, are necessary for the document manager to organize the optimal workflow and classifier.

Often at small firms the document manager works alone. Self-organization, discipline and self-control help organize effective work.

Documentation Requirements

A solid regulatory framework for document management requires training. Therefore, when hiring, a diploma of a higher educational institution or a secondary special educational institution in the specialties “Documentation”, “Documentation support of an enterprise” is required. There are also related specialties: “Documentation support in jurisprudence” or “Information support of an enterprise”.

Legislative and by-laws, administrative, normative and guiding documents of higher bodies related to workflow are general requirements for documents that a document manager should know. Job responsibilities require knowledge, or at least their basics, on the methods of analysis, research, design, implementation and development of documentation systems, on the design and operation of automated control systems; organization of archiving and basic programming.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession of document manager

The profession of a document manager is universal. A diploma and knowledge in the specialty allow the graduate to work in any organization, because the workflow is everywhere. This is the main advantage of the profession.

The second advantage can be considered the opportunity to work as an administrator, archivist, clerk, assistant secretary, office manager, assistant manager, and not just a document manager.

The third plus is that, despite the seemingly routine work, the document manager is at the center of information flows in the organization and owns almost all of its secrets. Sometimes, in addition to senior management, he is the only owner of these secrets.

Work experience and entrepreneurial spirit allow the document manager to organize his own business for the provision of information services, if desired.

Advantages of the profession include work in the office in good conditions, regardless of the profile of the enterprise and a strict work schedule.

The disadvantages of the documentary profession are uniformity and, most importantly, a great responsibility.

Where can a document manager work

Since document managers who have received an education in their profile can work with all types of documents (accounting, personnel, scientific and technical), they can be in demand in various organizations:

- in authorities, both local and state;

- in departmental management bodies;

- in the archival and documentary services of engineering and design, research institutions, in healthcare, archival, library and museum, law enforcement structures;

- in administrative services and departments of commercial structures: paperwork, office management, personnel management;

- in the business of developing information systems, documentation consulting, information security auditing.

Career growth of a document manager depends on the place of work. In large structures, he can rise to the manager of affairs, in small - to the assistant manager. The pinnacle of a document management career can be considered the preparation of documents for the Government and the President of the Russian Federation.