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Judge profession: description, pros and cons, features

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Judge profession: description, pros and cons, features

Video: The Defects of Jury Trials 2024, July

Video: The Defects of Jury Trials 2024, July

Justice is an essential element of a civilized state. The main role in the judiciary is given to the judge. It is he who must resolve conflicts between the two parties. The judge determines the culprit and passes a fair sentence. This profession is one of the most difficult. The judge must possess a number of qualities and skills, without which he will not be able to fulfill the function assigned to him.

The history of the profession of a judge

Even in ancient times, people conducted the first trials. The judges were rulers. By voting, judges were first elected in Athens. In the 12th century, traveling judges existed in England. In Russia, a court case began to take shape under Kievan Rus. Conflict issues were decided by the prince. For the first time, the post of judge was created by Emperor Peter the Great in 1713. It was called the Landrichter. In 1864, through reform, a judicial system was created that was close to the modern one.

Judge: the essence of the profession

The following professional duties are assigned to a judge: personal reception of citizens, study of materials on judicial proceedings, holding meetings, setting rights and obligations of all subjects of judicial proceedings, making decisions in accordance with existing standards, passing a sentence.

The legal profession of a judge is of a state nature. Its main essence is the assessment of the offense and the imposition of a fair sentence.

Judge Profession: Description

A judge is a person who makes decisions and bears responsibility for them in various disputed situations. His competence may include both simple litigations between relatives and criminal cases. A judge must always make impartial decisions. It should be based only on the constitution and applicable laws of the state. This position exists separately from the state apparatus.

The profession of a judge is one of the most difficult. A person holding this responsible position is required to perfectly know all legislative norms, acts and rights. He must conduct an analysis of the available evidence, summarize them and make the right decisions based on the facts. In addition, this profession can be dangerous for both the person himself and his family, as there are different situations and some people who have come to court tend to put pressure on the judge.


Features of the profession of a judge are quite peculiar. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • State nature of activity.
  • The court affects the rights of citizens and their interests, so the judge must fully comply with moral standards, be principled and objective.
  • In this profession, independence and submission exclusively to the law is extremely important.
  • The judge is fully responsible for the decisions taken.
  • Judges hold open meetings, therefore their objectivity, independence and the correctness of the decisions taken are controlled by the public.

A candidate for this position is required to meet a number of requirements:

  • The age of the candidate is from 30 years.
  • Work experience in law - 5-7 years.
  • Passing a difficult exam.
  • Obtaining a majority of the votes of the commission.

Personal qualities

To carry out his activities, a judge must have a whole range of personal qualities. Not everyone can occupy this position and perform tasks well. Let us consider in more detail the personal qualities that should be inherent in a judge:

  • Objectivity. The judge should be free from any preferences, as well as prejudices. In no case should he be biased against the defendant.
  • Tolerance. The profession of a judge requires a person to be tolerant of a different worldview, as well as the behavior and lifestyle of other people.
  • Mindfulness. The judge cannot miss any facts. He must be extremely careful so that the decision is objective.
  • Emotional stability. The judge should not empathize with all the defendants, as this will entail the adoption of the wrong decision under the influence of emotions.
  • Principle and honesty. The position of a judge should be held by a principled person who cannot be intimidated or bribed. The highest quality of a judge is morality.
  • Intelligence. That is, the judge must meet the expectations of society.
  • The ability to listen and hear other people. Without this, the court will not make the right decision.
  • Quick response to the situation. Very often in court, the situation can change dramatically, the appearance of one witness can completely change the course of the case. The judge should always be ready for this and respond quickly when the situation changes.
  • Readiness for long work. Sometimes a case may take more than one year.
  • Ability to make informed decisions. Judge decisions must be logically sound. He must take into account all the facts.
  • The presence of developed intuitive thinking. Leading a logical case does not always help make the right decision.

Judge Requirements

  • Strict observance of the Constitution and laws of states.
  • The judge must ensure that the principles of impartiality, objectivity and justice are always respected. He must control the maintenance of the authority of the judiciary.
  • In a conflict situation, the judge must recuse and notify the participants in the case of problems.
  • In the performance of a judge's official duties, he should not be guided by material interest.

Profession Judge: Pros and Cons

  • Kudos. Great diligence and considerable erudition should be possessed by a person who has risen to this position.
  • The opportunity to make many useful contacts that will always come in handy when solving various life issues.
  • Judge is a highly paid position.
  • Immunity.

However, in addition to the pros, you can also highlight the disadvantages of the profession of a judge:

  • Often, participants in the process consider the decisions made by this official as biased and disagree with them.
  • The profession of a judge is dangerous, and the threat may hang not only over the judge himself, but also over his family members.
  • Unpredictability of the result of work.
  • To be a judge means to be responsible for the fate of another person.
  • A lawsuit requires great strength and patience. This is a nervous profession, which a person with a strong character can master.
  • A judge cannot engage in entrepreneurship, and also have a political career, as this can lead to him making biased decisions.
  • Currently, there are a lot of people with a law degree, and the number of vacancies for judges is limited, so it’s very difficult to get a good place.

Significance for society

Currently, the profession of a judge is in demand and has great social significance. However, getting a job is quite difficult. As a rule, judges who are already working in this position are elected. But sometimes they are transferred to higher authorities, and then the place is vacated.

Education needed to become a judge

A prerequisite for obtaining the position of a judge is the observance of two aspects:

  • Specialized higher education, which can be obtained at the law faculty of any university. There are also specialized educational institutions.
  • Over 5 years of legal experience.

Job places

There are judges of various levels. Jobs are usually busy. Therefore, moving to a new level is always difficult.

  • World judge. His competence includes civil matters, as well as petty criminal cases.
  • District (federal) judge. He is engaged in proceedings that cannot be conducted by a world colleague, except for cases referred to the Supreme and Military Courts.
  • Arbitration judge. This position is the most prestigious. Reaching this level is very difficult. This is the peak career of any law graduate. In order to achieve this level, in addition to the general requirements, the candidate must also pass checks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the prosecutor's office, and also the customs service. If all these instances admit a candidate, then he may vote to receive the position of arbitrator.

Related professions

Related professions include:

  • Legal consultant - a person with a higher legal education.
  • A lawyer is a lawyer who has passed the exam for obtaining the status of a lawyer. His competence includes conducting criminal cases. May participate in criminal proceedings.
  • Prosecutor - a person who is a public prosecutor in the judiciary.

Thus, a judge is one of the most prestigious professions in the legal field. Not every law graduate can reach this position. The characteristic of the profession of a judge allows us to conclude about the complexity of this work. The judge must live in a tense atmosphere, act exclusively in accordance with the principles of morality, objectivity and integrity. It bears the entire responsibility of the decision made, and therefore it must be balanced and comply with established legislative norms. This profession will always be in demand and status. This is the pinnacle of a career for people with a law degree.