career management

Programmer-trainee: education, job features, responsibilities

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Programmer-trainee: education, job features, responsibilities

Video: Trainee Interview 2024, July

Video: Trainee Interview 2024, July

Programming is a rapidly developing field, therefore, an employee of this category needs to quickly adapt and get used to the global type of technology and regularly gets acquainted and learn new principles of this work. Therefore, the desire to self-study is one of the most important skills that a trainee programmer should have. Otherwise, after a couple of years, his value as a specialist may be noticeably lower. And subsequently everything that the young IT specialist worked so hard on will become useless. From the category of a promising programmer and web developer, he will jump into the most ordinary coder of unpretentious sites. This is far from the prospect the new generation hopes for. Therefore, self-development and continuous training is the main criterion for further career growth.

Who is a programmer?

A trainee programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models. In programming, the main factor is not only practical skills, but also the creative plans of the employee. Workers in this field can be divided into three types:

  • Applied interns programmers are engaged in the development of software, it can be a game, an accounting program, editors, instant messengers. The topic of their work also includes the creation of software for video and audio surveillance systems at the initial stage.
  • System programmers-trainees are engaged in the development of operating systems, work with networks, write codes for interfaces to a wide variety of databases. Specialists of this type are among the rare and highly paid. Their task is to create a software system (service) that controls computer systems (processor ‚communication devices), at the initial stage.
  • The intern-web programmer also works with networks, but most often with global ones - this is directly the Internet. They write a software platform for sites, create active web pages, a web interface for working with a database at the initial stage.

Where do IT professionals work?

  • IT firms and web studios;
  • scientific companies;
  • firms that have programmer departments in their structure.

What additional skills should an intern programmer have?

Knowledge of English at the user level is a mandatory requirement that is presented to specialists in this profession. For such employees it is also important to be able to work in a team on large-scale projects with large financial systems (budget, banking). Independence, initiative, and also during the time to provide technical assistance to their partner (boss) are welcome.

What should a student of a programmer know?

In addition to the programming language and English, you need to know a lot of other things. And what exactly - depends on the type of activity that you are going to choose. In addition to the technical characteristics, there should be a desire to learn and develop, be responsible, fulfill clearly defined tasks, and independently decide some standard common tasks. The intern-web programmer must know the basic concepts of programming in PHP, have some minimal development, basic concepts of programming in Java Script, HTML, My SQL.

CV preparation

To get a position, a trainee programmer must first prepare a resume, and at the same time be very high quality. There is no need to write unnecessary information there, but you also do not need to hide your skills. Before you are called in for an interview, you must prepare for it. Check out the material written in your report. Be confident in your knowledge and skills. Explore the projects you have worked on, remember the technologies you used. And forward - to a bright future with the sought-after work of a programmer. Consider an example resume of a trainee programmer:


Specialization data, for example: trainee programmer.

Type of work: full, part-time, remote work.

Date of birth: day, month, year.

City: where you currently reside.

Contacts: phone number, e-mail.

Education: bachelor - specialist, how many years studied, month and year of admission - month and year of graduation, which received a specialty, diploma.

Which graduated from the university and faculty, the city where they received their education.

Professional skills and qualities:

  • computer skills - good Mac OS X PC user.
  • PhP, MySQL (work experience of 1 year is welcome) - an entry-level level is required.
  • Javascript is the entry level.
  • Html, css - entry level.

How to become a 1C programmer?

To become a good and sought-after employee in this field, you need to know the settings and modifications of the 1C program, know its platform and principle of operation. You can get this knowledge through a training program. You are also welcome to take courses in which you can get direct concepts about the work of this product. A big plus will definitely be higher education in programming or system administration.

The salary

Salaries range from 55 to 140 thousand rubles per month. The size of his salary is experienced by an experienced 1C programmer, depending on the location, status and global nature of the company where he works, the price and urgency of each specific project that came into his hands. The average salary is 100 thousand rubles a month.

What does 1C programmer do

The specialist should be able to develop, maintain and maintain the outgoing product "1C: Enterprise", which is needed to automate work in companies. Once this program included only accounting and management accounting, but today it is used in the following areas: they keep goods and personnel records, pay salaries, and manage warehouses.

Key specialist requirements

  • Know the platform and configuration 1C.
  • Have experience in automation of accounting and programming.
  • Be able to write technical specifications and user instructions.
  • Be able to test the program 1C.
  • Explore, do analysis and description of the business process.
  • Know the basics of accounting and accounting.

Interesting fact

In 1991, a company was created in Russia, which was called “Firm 1C”, it specialized in the sale, support and creation of computer programs and basic data for business production. Now one of the company's developments has found a massive need. We are talking about the program system "1C: Enterprise". Thanks to this product, it was possible to automate the accounting process, which primarily increased the effective work of the specialists of the accounting department and reduced the number of errors in the accounting process and taxes. Only specialists with specific qualifications can work with these programs, that is, 1C programmers.

What is freelance?

Freelance is a remote work, in which the trainee-programmer is a free mercenary, or, as the people call it, a “free artist”. This is a person who does work through the Internet, does not conclude a long-term cooperation agreement with the customer. Until recently, most freelancers were programmers, designers, copywriters, translators. Today, both professional workers and people who do not have the necessary education and experience work remotely. Therefore, for trainee programmers, this is an ideal option to improve their skills and gain experience.