
Recruiting. What kind of beast is this?

Recruiting. What kind of beast is this?

Video: How To Recruit 20K people in your MLM business - Max Knowles 2024, July

Video: How To Recruit 20K people in your MLM business - Max Knowles 2024, July

Nowadays, words are gaining more and more popularity, the meaning of which is far from being captured by all. The word recruiting also refers to them. This is explained simply: borrowing foreign words allows you to strengthen the meaning of certain phrases and phrases. Or, what is more common, with the help of foreign words a stronger emotional coloring is given to the expression known to everyone.

So, recruiting is a process in which a specialized company (contractor) selects people to work in another company (customer). At the same time, the customer pays a certain monetary reward for each employee involved or for the entire volume of the completed order. Thus, we can conclude that hiring personnel outside the personnel service of the company is recruiting. Recruitment agencies for other organizations are recruiting companies.

The origins of this word are rooted in the French language, where its meaning becomes clear: the French word recruiter means "to recruit." You can also turn to the German language, which is widely used the same-root word rekrut, meaning a person who has got a job by hire or by mistake. You can also recall the story, which told of men performing recruiting duties, i.e. who served in the military under duress or less often for hire.

Thus, it becomes clear that recruiting is the selection of personnel taking into account the requirements and specifics of the enterprise. Special recruiting organizations, which are being created more and more, are making an agreement with a company for which they will recruit specialists. The subject of this contract is the recruitment of personnel meeting the requirements presented by the customer. At the same time, the agency assumes all obligations regarding the compliance of the found employee with the established criteria.

In order to find a person for a high or leading position, a recruiting agency begins the process of the so-called targeted search. This stage includes the processing of data on highly qualified specialists working at that time, and not feverishly looking for work. A distinctive feature of staff recruitment is precisely the enticement of an employee from a familiar place to another, by promising some more interesting benefits.

Thus, we can say that recruiting is a kind of "headhunting" or, as it is called in the USA and other countries, - headhunting. The recruiter needs to process a huge number of incoming questionnaires and applications, from them choose the most suitable candidates and send the application to the client. In this case, the head-hunter ("headhunter") has no right to make a mistake.

Recruiting staff is gaining in popularity. Organizations involved in the process of selecting highly qualified personnel do it many times better than any personnel service of a customer company. And the matter is not only in trained head hunters, but also in excellent knowledge of the labor market, the availability of a large database, complete confidentiality and, of course, time saving. The main principle of the recruiting agency is a well-established communication with the customer. The most complete information about the necessary specialists and the compliance of these requests with the market situation is the key to effective work between head hunters and clients.