
Vacancy response letter: example of writing

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Vacancy response letter: example of writing

Video: How To Write An INCREDIBLE Cover Letter - Cover Letter Examples INCLUDED 2024, July

Video: How To Write An INCREDIBLE Cover Letter - Cover Letter Examples INCLUDED 2024, July

Job search is now increasingly going to the Internet. Ads on poles and message boards, newspapers, even word of mouth are now losing to specialized Internet resources. And as before, the number of vacancies is several times less than the number of applicants for them. To stand out from the crowd, to be more competitive among other job seekers, candidates are increasingly using cover letters to resumes. This article parses an example of a cover letter to a job posting

Is a cover letter required?

You need to make a reservation right away - a cover letter is not a mandatory element for most vacancies, you can do without it. And many candidates get by following the principle: “Everything that is required is written in my resume. I do not consider it necessary to repeat the same thing to these employers. ” But, firstly, the cover letter is not a retelling of the resume, and secondly, “these employers” can not be explained why you are the best, but then you should not blame the “wild capitalism market” when they choose another candidate among all possible applicants showing a little more interest in a particular job.

Cover letter - what is it?

A cover letter is a text that is attached to the main resume of the applicant. It reflects facts, either not included in the main text of the resume, or those to which the candidate wants to pay closer attention to the employer.

These facts may relate to existing skills, personal qualities, desire to work specifically in this company / field, certain experience. Also in the cover letter to the response to the vacancy (an example is given in the article), information is indicated that does not quite fit into the main resume.

Cover Letter Task

The purpose of this presentation is to attract the attention of the head or employee of the personnel department, who will analyze incoming resumes. A cover letter to the response to the vacancy (an example is presented below) emphasizes certain qualities of the candidate, his motivation and ability to adhere to a business style of communication.

In which case a cover letter is indispensable

There are several options:

  1. Employer requirement. This is indicated in the description, for example: "A cover letter to the response to the vacancy is mandatory."
  2. The candidate has no experience. Absolutely “green” graduates, or just people who are starting their career for the first time, can only explain to the employer with the help of a cover letter why they will cope with the duties set forth in the description.
  3. A specific company or a vacancy is interesting - employment in this particular place is of great importance for the applicant.
  4. Change of activity. If an employee has been engaged in sales for ten years, it is advisable to explain what his desire is now to claim the position of economist.
  5. If there is no experience in a particular field or the candidate is demotion. In both cases, the employer has questions. In the first case, it is not clear whether the candidate has a concept of a control function; whether he had experience managing a small group, what he knows about the mentoring system, etc. In the second - why the applicant, who worked for the previous several years, for example, as a director of a retail store, now claims to be an ordinary sales assistant. What is the reason for such a decrease in their ambitions?
  6. Vacant place in a large foreign company. Typically, such companies are waiting for cover letters to respond to vacancies by default, because in developed countries this is standard practice.

Where to create a cover letter

You can write a cover letter directly on the site. The main Internet resources for job search immediately after sending a response to the employer or before that offer a pop-up window “Write a cover letter”. It is easier for some job seekers to compose the main template directly on their computer in any text editor, and copy it and paste it into the form that the sites offer after editing it for a specific vacancy as necessary. Also, the candidate can send his response directly through the website of the company.

Letter structure

The structure of writing such a letter is one - this is a greeting, the main part and farewell:

  1. Greeting. In this part, there is a presentation of the applicant and an explanation on what issue, in fact, he writes. It is required to introduce oneself officially, in a business style, without using slang or diminutive words.
  2. Main part. The most important part of a job posting cover letter. Here, depending on the situation, the text may vary. It all depends on what a particular job seeker wants to say to a potential employer. The main task is to stand out, identifying your strengths, to show the desire and desire to work.

In this part you can specify:

  • Motivation - why the resume is sent to this particular company; why this position and these tasks are interesting.
  • Their key skills and abilities are those of what the applicant is able to satisfy the requirements of the customer.
  • Certain personal qualities are a standard phrase: “I am stress-resistant and responsible” is no longer perceived by HR specialists, this can be found in every resume.

Here it is necessary to highlight those qualities that are not only present in a particular candidate, but will also bring benefits in this position. Pedantry and accuracy for the cashier-operator is good, but will not play a big plus for the artist-decorator. For creative professions, it is better to indicate qualities that will benefit in this area, such as, for example, the ability to think creatively.

3. Farewell. At this stage, the applicant says goodbye, thanks for the attention and indicates how it is preferable to contact him. Correct option: “Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy. Waiting for feedback by e-mail [email protected]. All the best."

Main mistakes in composing a cover letter

Here are a few points that may affect the result:


Many job search sites offer their own template. Most often it looks like this: “Good afternoon. Interested in your vacancy, I propose to consider my resume. ". Well what can I say … Than to send such "escort", it is better not to write anything at all. This immediately gives out a candidate who is too lazy to even think a little and adjust the template for himself. And if he is too lazy to do this already at the stage of compiling the cover letter, would he be lazy to, in principle, do his job?


The text of the cover letter to the response to the vacancy should not copy the resume. A volume of several lines is allowed, in exceptional cases two or three paragraphs, but not several pages. A brief cover letter for the response to the vacancy should not look like a biography with a detailed analysis of each of the positions indicated in the resume - such letters are difficult, and it is not interesting to read. The task is to make a “squeeze” and adapt it to a specific situation, and not to rewrite all your experience again.

Business communication style.

Correct: “Good afternoon. My name is Menshikov Stepan, I was interested in the vacancy "Project Manager" published on the site (site name). Wrong: "I’m Styopa, I want this job."


A frequently made mistake - a competent, well-designed cover letter is compiled to respond to a vacancy, but there is nothing in this letter that would identify an appeal to a specific employer and a specific vacancy. There is neither the name of the company for which the applicant is applying for a job, nor the responsibilities that interest him, nor the willingness to perform specific tasks. Such letters look like a well-designed cover letter template for a response to vacancies, which is copied with a simple key combination and sent to everyone for analysis. The best option here is to open a description of the vacancy you like and write your own response based on these requirements and responsibilities.

The presence of errors.

Here, comments are superfluous - literacy is needed in almost any job.


The following is a specific example of a cover letter for a response to a vacancy, designed in accordance with all the rules. This is a cover letter template for working in office positions.

Good afternoon.

I was interested in your vacancy posted on the site … - “Import Substitution Specialist / Project Manager”.

What did you like about the vacancy:

  • tasks and conditions;
  • company policy towards employees and the business as a whole;
  • the direction “information security”, “infrastructure and office solutions” is interesting;
  • the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, develop skills, pull up existing competencies;
  • the ability to directly communicate with the leader / mentor and consult on business issues;
  • interesting state. sector, had experience communicating with the state. customers, had experience with 223 and 44 Federal Laws.

How will the company be useful:

  • experience in negotiating with decision makers and customer representatives;
  • skills of building trusting relationships with the customer, including from the state. sectors;
  • tuned to the result, purposeful, ambitious;
  • we train (in the shortest possible time I pull up the necessary knowledge to the working level, develop the necessary skills).

I await feedback on the outcome of the consideration of my candidacy.

Sincerely, Name

Another sample cover letter for a job posting in retail, for example, a sales assistant:

"Good afternoon. My name is …………. I bring to your attention my resume for the position of "Sales Consultant" in the toy store "Merry Childhood". It is interesting to work with this group of products; there is a desire to better understand this segment.

It has experience in the store (an area of 120 m 2) of similar subjects (goods for children's parties). I would like to emphasize such qualities as the ability to find an approach to different customers, friendliness to the smallest customers and experience with the cash register, which allows you to replace the cashier if necessary.

Thank you for your consideration and await your decision. You can contact me at the number below »

The tips above are universal. The above example can be used as a model for writing a cover letter to the response to the vacancy. Recommendations are adapted to any position, to any tasks. The main thing is to look at yourself from the perspective of the employer and carefully read the job description. If you make some effort, finding a job will no longer be a problem.