career management

Real Estate Agent: Responsibilities and Functions

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Real Estate Agent: Responsibilities and Functions



What are the responsibilities of a real estate agent? In the view of people not related to real estate transactions - in the search for buyers and sellers, in other words, in mediation. The opinion cannot be called quite correct.

Occurrence of a profession

After the beginning of the massive privatization of housing and the activities of private construction companies, the real estate market began to grow. Due to the abundance of offers and considerable demand, there was a need for specialists who would help find a seller or buyer and conduct a deal.

A lot of unpleasant and dark stories with realtors make people treat them quite wary. But people get used to contacting them for help, gradually making it the norm. This helps speed up the transaction process. Below we consider what the responsibilities of a real estate agent are.

Where to find an agent

The duties of a real estate agent are formulated depending on the place of work. If he is hired as an employee, an employment contract is signed with him with an approved list of rights and obligations.

There is a specificity of work in a construction or investment company, in a real estate agency, other structures, one way or another connected with the real estate market.

What is the responsibility of a real estate agent working independently is decided by the agreement that he offers for signature to the client.

The main responsibilities of a realtor

In practice, the following list of responsibilities of a real estate agent is implemented:

  • Receiving calls by phone or e-mail or using other means of communication and counseling.
  • Search for offers.
  • Showing objects for purchase or rental.
  • Assisting in the conclusion of transactions (most often sales and leases).

Communication with customers

Often people turn for a brief consultation about the proposals available on the real estate market. Along the way, it turns out the cost of realtor services. They do not always wait for customers to call and take the initiative, trying to attract their attention to themselves through advertising. Large construction companies have succeeded especially in this area.

Quite often on the street you can come across people offering handouts with offers, including from real estate agents.

Search for offers

The first duty of a real estate agent is to help the client understand what exactly he needs and offer the options available.

Realtors working in the company or on their own, have a database of objects that are offered to buy. And the client makes a choice from the proposed list. If he does not have time to view, then he will make a selection of proposals that match his needs.

Over time, offers to buy real estate began to spread on the Internet. And by visiting the website of an agency or company, a potential client can make a first impression of the object. The price and contacts of the agent responsible for the transaction are also indicated there. Such an organization of work is characteristic of both small real estate agencies and large companies, banks.

Show objects

Before agreeing to purchase, even for temporary use, people tend to visit the property of interest to them and inspect it. No photos will fully allow an objective assessment. Moreover, there may be hidden flaws.

The duties of a real estate agent include: providing answers to questions about the owners, the condition of the house or building. Various questions are asked, and you have to carefully prepare. Serious fears are caused by the risks associated with the legality of the transaction: does the declared seller have the right to it.

Transaction assistance

The help concerns both the preparation of all documentation and individual papers. Most often, lawyers specializing in real estate issues work with realtors or as part of firms. So, for example, the agency will help first put the object on the cadastral register and register the rights to it.

Difficulties are caused by transactions with facilities that have been illegally redeveloped or redeveloped. No less confusing are situations where several people are the owners at the same time. If necessary, the agent or representative of the company is engaged in the preparation of documents that are needed to complete the sale.

Agent activity is not limited to the paper side of the matter. It often helps to agree on the terms of the transaction, to come to the parties to a common opinion on a particular issue.

What is the specialty of a rental agent?

The duties of a rental agent include the above list. The difference is in the concentration on the lease, rather than the sale. He also prepares proposals, documents, negotiates, inspects the facility.

Relationship Design

Services to the client are provided in accordance with the provisions of the contract signed with the client. The text lists the rights and obligations of the parties, the price for services and a list of actions that the realtor undertakes to perform.

The result of the work is recorded in the act of accepted work, then an invoice is issued. The size of the cost of services is determined by the region, the amount of work and the terms of the contract. Typically, the price is calculated based on the value of the transaction.

How to get a place

As always, a potential employer is primarily interested in a resume or a brief description of a future employee. What do they write in the resume of a real estate agent? Duties that he can take on, including, but about everything - in order:

  • full name, date of birth;
  • place of residence (city or town);
  • contact details (phone number, email address);
  • available education;
  • places where he previously worked and positions held;
  • previously performed duties;
  • reason for a change of job;
  • personal professional qualities;
  • additional skills (car driving, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and so on);
  • attitude to moving and business trips.

This list is not closed or standard, it can be supplemented.