career management

The job description of the deputy director for production: duties, rights, responsibilities

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The job description of the deputy director for production: duties, rights, responsibilities

Video: Responsibilities of a Manager & Supervisor 2024, July

Video: Responsibilities of a Manager & Supervisor 2024, July

At each large enterprise, an employee is required for the position of deputy production manager. This employee is involved in the organization of the company's products, controls its quality and timely fulfillment by the services of their duties. Also, under the strict guidance of his boss, he is engaged in introducing new methods and systems into the enterprise. The sample job description of the deputy director of production should include a listing of the general provisions of the organization, the knowledge of the employee applying for this position, his duties and functions, taking into account the needs of a particular enterprise, as well as rights and responsibilities. The compilation and approval of this document is the responsibility of the general director of the enterprise. The instructions should include all dates and signatures, both of managers and the employee accepted for the position, who confirms that they have read the information contained in it.


The job description of the Deputy General Director for Production states that the employee holding this position is a person from the management team of the company.

To occupy it, a specialist must obtain a higher technical education. In addition, he must work in appropriate positions, depending on the area in which the enterprise is developing, where he works, at least three years. Only the chief director of the organization can provide work or remove from office.

Basic knowledge

The job description of the deputy director of the production enterprise implies that he is obliged to know all the organizational and administrative documentation, as well as other regulatory acts related to the production and business activities of the facility or site entrusted to him. Also, his knowledge should include information on how the organization is conducted and on what technology construction is carried out.

He must understand the design estimates. In addition, the job description of the deputy director for construction production suggests that he should know his rules and norms, in addition to understand the technical conditions under which construction work should be carried out, and how to accept installation and commissioning tasks.

Other knowledge

Understand production and business activities, according to what standards work is performed, what payment is due for them. To know what kind of relations a company has in which it works with customers and subcontractors, according to which system the production and technological equipment and scheduling of a construction company take place.

Constantly interested in the range of building materials, scientific and technological achievements in the construction industry and the like. He also needs to know the basics of organization of production, economics and management methods. The knowledge of this employee should also include all regulatory, legal and other documents relating to the organization where he works, including the work schedule, compliance with sanitary standards, fire safety and so on.

Employee Responsibilities

In accordance with the job description of the deputy head of the production enterprise, the specialist must manage all the activities of the company. Including to ensure timely commissioning of facilities, control over commissioning, construction and installation works, and it is he who checks the quantity of materials used and the quality of the finished facility.

He organizes all the work in such a way that they comply with design documents, building codes and specifications, technical specifications and other documentation that provides top management. He makes sure that the production sequence is followed by the technical sequence of various kinds of work.

The job description of the deputy director of production suggests that he should be engaged in the dissemination of advanced labor methods and techniques for managing human resources, and should provide the company with all the documents necessary for the construction. The person in this position is engaged in the coordination of applications for all the necessary devices, machines and other equipment, and also controls the feasibility of their use.

His responsibilities also include filling out technical documents and organizing the accounting of work performed by company employees. In the process of partial or full commissioning of the construction object, he must be present at meetings and negotiations with customers.


In addition, the job description of the deputy production director suggests that he should organize the preparation of tasks for subcontracting organizations and take a direct part in accepting the work performed by them. Also, his responsibilities include providing the production with technological equipment, including protective devices, scaffolding, struts, other devices, including vehicles, machinery for construction and the like. He must control that industrial safety practices are respected, eliminate any violations of sanitation rules and ensure that workers do not violate labor safety.

If employees violate the organization’s discipline, he may make proposals to recover the required fines from them. He is also obliged to help rationalizers fulfill their duties, assist their subordinates in further training and carry out educational activities with explanations of the organization’s policy regarding collective labor.

Employee Rights

The job description of the deputy production director implies that he has the right to receive information about all decisions of his head that relate to his competence. He can also suggest how to improve his working conditions and make his duties more rational. If an employee holding this position has revealed violations or shortcomings in the work of the company within his competence, he has the right to inform the head of this and offer his options for resolving issues that have arisen.

Also, if necessary, he can interact with all the heads of departments, if this helps him fulfill his functions. His rights also include the signing and endorsement of all documentation falling within his competence. If necessary, he may demand the assistance of a higher management in his labor activity and the exercise of his rights.

A responsibility

In accordance with the job description of the deputy director for production, he is liable for failure to fulfill his obligations stipulated in it and comply with the current legislation of the country. He is also responsible for any violation of labor, administrative or criminal law during the performance of his labor functions. In addition, he is liable in the event that his actions led to material damage to the organization in which he works.


The reviewed job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities. The deputy director of production is required to know this basic information provided for by the legislation of the country. Depending on the needs of a particular enterprise, some paragraphs of the instructions may be changed or supplemented in accordance with the current legislation of the country. The employee must familiarize himself with this regulatory document and subsequently be guided by it in the process of performing functions and duties.

In general, this position imposes a great responsibility on the employee, and the functions that he must perform require special knowledge, skills and professional skills. Before getting this position, you need to go through a serious career growth and gain experience in the field where the company is developing.