career management

GTSSS - reviews of employees. FSUE GCCS: reviews

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GTSSS - reviews of employees. FSUE GCCS: reviews

So, today we will have to figure out what constitutes a GCC. Reviews about this employer have recently begun to appear more and more often on otzovik sites and specialized virtual sites. True, finding something concrete there is very difficult. Nevertheless, we will try to study all opinions, as well as draw conclusions about how conscientious our employer is. And only then everyone will decide for himself whether he should cooperate with the GCCS, reviews of which will be presented a little later, or not.

What is it

What is GCCS? In fact, this place is considered a very elite place of work. After all, this company is engaged in nothing more than the transportation of secret and valuable goods in Russia, as well as weapons. In other words, this is a special delivery service.

GCCS branches, reviews of which we will study today, are available in every city in Russia. So every resident has the opportunity to get a job there. Only here the selection here is very tough. After all, such employees will also be in contact with money and drugs (often medical). So, the GTsSS motor depot, the reviews of which we will now begin to study, is, in fact, the place where everyone wants to get a job. But is it worth it? Let's try to understand this difficult question.


In truth, there are always vacancies in this place. And they are not particularly diverse. Usually, everything is limited to accountants, business professionals, economists, drivers, and couriers. All of these posts are generally not considered elite or special.

Nevertheless, many say that it is easier to decide on the choice of a profession. You do not have to choose for a long time, because the list of vacancies is not so long. And the tasks performed are almost the same. An accountant and an economist work with finances, commercial specialists primarily deal with customer orders, and drivers and couriers are involved in the transportation and delivery of goods. So here the reviews about the company are quite positive. Just do not rush to get on this motor depot. After all, this is not all that is important to know about her. There are a huge number of features that have not yet been taken into account. But now we will correct this situation.

State service

ГЦСС ФГУП reviews of employees are quite positive regarding the place of work. What is it about? Yes, that the employees of this car depot are in the civil service. And this kind of place of work is appreciated. In particular, due to future retirement.

Only now there are not very many pensioners of the GCCS FSUE in our time. And this means that the old norms of pension payments apply to such people. New tariffs and calculations have not yet been applied. On the whole, the situation of pensioners and former workers with pensions is satisfactory. But will it be so in a few years, when new conditions for accrual and payment appear? Most likely, opinions will change. Indeed, even the largest pension current calculations will have to decrease.

If we take into account responsibility and civil service, it is unlikely that small pension payments will suit employees. Indeed, such workers are often overworked and do overtime work. And this should somehow be rewarded in the future.

The salary

FSUE GCCSS reviews receive far from the most flattering with respect to wages. Why is this so? Let's try to figure this out.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the status of the enterprise. It is generally accepted that in the public service they will pay good earnings. Usually it is obtained through responsibility in the posts. But in reality in the GCCS, everything is a little different.

You get a job - they promise you a good salary, but they warn of great responsibility and stress at the workplace. As a rule, these factors do not scare candidates, and they willingly get to work. But at the end of the month it becomes clear that you were deceived. Employees work tirelessly, and receive a meager salary for this. And she does not like ordinary employees. With the "top", things are somewhat different - there the work is "not dusty" and the wages are high (2-3 times more).

As you can see, the FSUE GCCS (motor depot) does not receive the most flattering reviews, although this place is the guarantor of the civil service. But is it really so bad here? That is what we have to learn further. After all, in addition to wages, there are other factors that influence the opinion of workers about their employer.


GCCS receives not very good reviews regarding the management of the enterprise. Why? The thing is that the "top" of this company is not very friendly people.

And in practice, the situation is exactly the same as the employees say - the load on ordinary workers is simply enormous. In general, for those who do not have any ties in the GCC, the work will not be very attractive.

In addition, FSUE GCCSS receives extremely negative reviews for the attitude of management towards ordinary employees. They, as a rule, are not even considered for people. They can easily be rude or infringe on their rights. But many suffer this attitude because of public service. If you know that you do not tolerate such an attitude in your address, then you can forget about this employer.

Social package

Very often you can find information about our today's enterprise at "Hard". GCCS reviews here are extremely negative. Especially because of the social package and guarantees. But why is that so? The thing is that you will initially be promised a full social package and paid leave. In fact, it turns out a very interesting situation.

You will not receive either a full social package or paid leave. If you suddenly manage to literally “win” rest and pay for it, then the cash payments will be so meager that you should not ask them next time. Plus, if you suddenly need a sick leave or surgery, then you should not expect any help from the enterprise. Of course, unless you are in a privileged position.


GCCS also receives far from the most flattering reviews regarding personal development in the workplace. This company is absolutely not interested in such an approach. And this is immediately noticeable.

Initially, of course, you will be promised career growth and prospects. Only in reality everything will turn out differently. If we take into account the fact that the leadership is not quite benevolent towards ordinary employees, then we can completely forget about any career in this place. Want to take a position in this company to just work without prospects and achievements? Then you can safely go for an interview.


Today we met with the GCCS. Reviews about this company, as you see, are far from the most positive. In general, it is very difficult to work here, for this you need to have a high level of stress resistance.

If you want to get a civil service, where you will have prospects and a good salary (or at least a friendly team), then it is better to bypass this company. But when you need a place just in order not to sit idle, you can completely occupy the available vacant places in the GCC.