
What should the filled resumes look like?

What should the filled resumes look like?

Surely you know that in many large companies, before you schedule an interview, the employer looks at the filled resumes for open vacancies sent by applicants. How to present information about yourself to the future leader? What do you need to indicate in the resume?

General design rules

It is advisable to type a resume in hard copy. Do not be too lazy to format it as well: create headings, bulleted lists. But at the same time, your text should not be too colorful. One color, preferably one font - the most important information can be emphasized or highlighted in bold. Try to provide information in separate finished blocks of small or medium volume. You can look at a sample of a filled resume for a job before you start writing. Remember that you will need to divide all the information about yourself into several sections. At the same time, the resume should not be too voluminous - less text, more meaning. It is undesirable to type more than two pages of printed text in medium print, and it is best to fit into one or one and a half sheets, of course, if experience allows.

The main part of the personal dossier

All filled resumes for work traditionally begin with general information about the applicant. Indicate your full name and age. In this case, do not write the full date of birth. Limit yourself to one digit, i.e. indicate how old you are now. Next, specify the contacts. The more, the better - a telephone (one or more) and time for calls, an email address or even a link to your own site. Next, it is customary to post a section on education. If you attended a regular general education school, this is optional. But you should not be silent about a prestigious college or lyceum. Next, fill out information about higher education.

And now the most interesting thing - if you have ever attended any kind of advanced training courses, be sure to write about them too. But keep in mind that the filled resumes for work should contain only information that will be useful to your potential employer. In other words, if you want to become an economist, it is not necessary to talk about attending a three-month needlework course in a questionnaire.

Do not forget about the experience …

If you do not know how to fill out a resume, a sample will help you. Some companies even post sample jobseeker profiles on their official websites. After the block on education, you need to write about your experience. List all previous jobs in chronological order. It is advisable to start from the very last place, but you can, and vice versa, describe your career from the very beginning. If you have a short experience, you can indicate a couple of proposals for each organization regarding their job responsibilities and the reasons for dismissal. Do not forget that filled resumes for work may include additions about personal qualities and skills. Here you can indicate the presence of a vehicle or knowledge of computer programs in the event that these skills will help you in your work.