
How to sell yourself in an interview: the best tips and tricks with examples

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How to sell yourself in an interview: the best tips and tricks with examples

Video: How to sell yourself in an interview (The new unique interview process to nail it) 2024, July

Video: How to sell yourself in an interview (The new unique interview process to nail it) 2024, July

How often do people change jobs? According to statistics, a young specialist can change his place every 5 years. The reasons can be different: the salary does not suit, there is no career growth, change of personal interests. Getting a new job is sometimes difficult. How to sell yourself in an interview? Read about it below.

Strong resume

Before going for an interview, the candidate sends his resume to the company. To pay attention to you, you need to stand out from the gray mass. How to sell yourself in an interview? Write a strong resume. A description of your strengths should be unique. No one is interested in reading typical answers. Need to be creative. It is not enough to write in your strengths: punctual, responsible, sociable. It is necessary to give a description of your strengths. Write short stories confirming that you are a responsible and creative person. Only two sentences, in which you describe the cases in which you could take responsibility, can give you work. Be sure to write down your work experience in the resume. It is advisable to do this not in the form of a dry table, but to teach as an interesting story. Describe who you studied for and why. It should also be mentioned where you worked and for what reason you chose this or that company. A resume that will differ in structure from hundreds of others will surely draw attention to your candidacy.

Don't be late

Many people who wonder how to sell themselves in an interview do not pay attention to details. We need to concentrate not only on the main thing, but also think about the little things. An impression of a person is created from the moment he appears. If you have an interview scheduled for a week or even a day, you cannot be late. Even if you linger for a minute - it will already be a failure. No one cares that you have a flat tire, that you are stuck in a traffic jam, or that the train did not arrive on time. These are all excuses. You knew in advance about the place and time, so you had the opportunity to calculate the time and take into account all the force majeure. You need to come for an interview 10-15 minutes before the start. During this time, you will have time to inspect the office of the company, remove outer clothing, comb your hair and put yourself in order.


Meet a man by clothes. It always has been and always will be. Whether you like it or not, those around you appreciate it in appearance. So try to look presentable. Of course, you don’t need to try too hard, otherwise it will be striking. Wear a business suit or just a jacket. Coming to an interview in jeans and a T-shirt is not recommended. Even if the company does not have a dress code, you should present yourself as a business person. Your clothes should be clean and tidy. If it rains outside, take a taxi. No one will give you concessions due to weather conditions. Dirty shoes and trouser legs can play a decisive role. It’s much easier to win people over when you look attractive.

Be sure

Whatever position you take, you will be selected from at least a dozen candidates. Therefore, it should be advantageous to stand out against their background. How to sell yourself at an interview? You need to tune in to the worst turn of events in advance. Do you think only pessimists do this? Nothing like this. It is necessary to adequately assess their strength. Your self-esteem should not depend on the opinions of others. Whether or not they will take you to work, you certainly cannot. When a person is sure that he is a good specialist and in case of failure today he can find a job tomorrow, he looks very respectable. If the person will assume that the interview is the last chance in life, uncertainty will be felt by others. Therefore, even if you really like the place where you have an interview scheduled, you need to find two or three more options. In this case, you will not worry much about the outcome of the events. Knowing that you still have many opportunities enhances self-confidence.

A little bit about yourself

How to sell yourself at an interview? An example of one of the questions that people get lost in answering is a simple phrase: "Tell us about yourself." And what about yourself? People start repeating their resumes or just keep silent, tormented by doubts about what exactly needs to be said. You should confidently and clearly tell the story of your career. Talking about family, your plans for life and your hobbies is not worth it. You are not joining a company in order to establish personal life or make friends for a picnic. It should be told where you studied, where you went to work and why. If appropriate, you can make a few witty comments about yourself. Humor helps defuse the atmosphere and win over. Do not go into the details of past jobs, do not blame the former boss or your team. It will be ugly. The story about yourself should be short. It is advisable to keep within 2 minutes. Rehearse your speech at home so that it sounds natural during the interview.

About the disadvantages

People love to talk about their virtues. But at interviews they ask various tricky questions. Therefore, keep in mind that you may be asked about the flaws. How to sell yourself in an interview to a sales manager? Is it worth it to openly admit that you don’t know how to do or don’t like? No. You must seem a strong personality, and your fears, phobias and shortcomings should be kept with you. If you are asked about your ideality, you can openly admit that do not wear a halo over your head and wings. Say that, like everyone else, you have weaknesses and weaknesses, but you are struggling with them and cannot say at the moment what is your weakness. It is necessary to mention that you adapt well to life and are able to quickly develop those qualities that are necessary.

What can you give the company?

At the interview, you need to talk not only about yourself. When you are asked to talk about why you are applying for a free place, you should mention that you are close to the interests of the company. How to sell yourself in an interview for a manager? People are flattered by the conversation about them and their activities. Therefore, any representative of the company will be pleased to hear flattering reviews about the place in which he works. Tell us that as the future leading person, you share the interests of the organization, its philosophy is close to you and point-by-step state what you want to do to improve the enterprise.

How to sell yourself in an interview with a manager? It is necessary to do the same. You should tell about your experience and that all your knowledge can be applied here and now. Tell that you are an innovator and you have thoughts about improving the work of the company.


You have learned how to behave and what you need to talk about. And what should be silent? How to sell yourself in an interview for the position of sales manager and for any other position? Do not talk about your personal interests. Do not talk about how dear to you family. No one is interested in hearing about your children and parents. You should also keep silent about how and where you are used to spend a vacation. You should not talk about your overseas trips and taste preferences. The way you spend your free time should not be told either. You get a job, and your personal qualities will be interesting only if they somehow increase or decrease your performance. Do not tell more than necessary. Do not mention a bad relationship with former colleagues and do not express an opinion on the former leader.