career management

Farewell letter to colleagues on dismissal: learning to leave beautifully

Farewell letter to colleagues on dismissal: learning to leave beautifully

Video: How to Write the Perfect Letter of Resignation - Sample Resignation Letter 2024, July

Video: How to Write the Perfect Letter of Resignation - Sample Resignation Letter 2024, July

A farewell letter to colleagues on dismissal is a long-standing tradition in the West. In Russia, it is only just beginning to take root, but every year it is gaining popularity. So, we will understand why a farewell letter is needed when leaving and what is usually written in it.

Why do you need to say goodbye to colleagues

Leaving work is a kind of milestone before a new stage in a professional career, and this gesture is an attempt to put a symbolic point and start from scratch. In addition to the emotional aspect, a farewell letter to colleagues on dismissal also carries an informative purpose. In it, you can state the reason why you leave the company, and thereby put an end to the rumors swarming around this event. It is only important to remember that only facts should be stated and in no case give in to emotions, which can serve in the future a bad service. The message will help to maintain contacts with former colleagues, which may also be useful in the future.

What and how to write

Farewell letter to employees upon dismissal, start with an appeal to colleagues and a small official block, which will contain useful information about the date on which you leave the company and who will be your successor. In the event that the organization is large enough, it is not superfluous to mention the position that you held and the duties performed. This will help the remaining members of the team to navigate the upcoming changes. Next, briefly outline the reason for your departure. As a professional, adhere to business etiquette and take the chance to present the correct reason for your departure. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to deceive or conceal the truth, but no one can prevent the situation from being presented in a more advantageous light and thereby prevent the unnecessary spread of negative speculation and rumors.

Let's summarize: is there room for emotions?

A farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal should, among other things, become a kind of summing up the results of your work in the company. Moreover, writing about the results of joint projects is in a positive way. Write about your achievements and successes, which were attended by your colleagues. At the same time, writing a letter will be useful for you too - it will help to “sort through” professional activities and thus summarize some of the results. This will definitely help when moving to a new job. In the event that you sincerely regret leaving and maintained warm friendly relations, you can allow a small manifestation of emotions in the letter. Thank colleagues and wish them good luck.

Thus, a farewell letter to colleagues upon dismissal is an element of business etiquette that you must observe, but in no case abuse it. Summing up, we can say that the message should be written in a positive manner, concisely and correctly. Failure to comply with these simple rules and use the message in order to express dissatisfaction with a practically former company and settle accounts will only cast a shadow on your reputation.