career management

Work in Kari: employee reviews, working conditions, salary level

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Work in Kari: employee reviews, working conditions, salary level

Video: Around the Table with Tom Stimson: Recruiting and Retention 2024, July

Video: Around the Table with Tom Stimson: Recruiting and Retention 2024, July

It’s easy to find work today, especially in megacities. Everywhere there are various shopping malls and individual shops that constantly require employees. But there is reason to doubt whether everything is so good. Why such a big staff turnover?

Sometimes people leave only because they have found a higher paying job. But more often than not, they don’t like the place where they work. In order not to be disappointed in another institution, it is better to read the reviews of employees about working at Kari. This is the usual chain of shoe stores that is in every city. On job search sites, various vacancies appear in Kari every day. Therefore, this article will consider the pros and cons of a particular post.

About directors

It’s very difficult to get to the store right away for this job. In order to take the post of director, you need to have a good profile from your previous job and, of course, an appropriate higher education. But if a person comes to work as a cashier or an ordinary consultant, then career growth is quite possible. Of course, this will not happen in a month, and sometimes not even in a year. But it is really real. The main thing is to prove yourself on the positive side.

Reviews of employees about working in Kari as a director are different. Despite the fact that the company is already very famous, it continues to develop, becoming better every year, and also improving the quality and assortment of goods. Of course, working as a director is not the easiest and requires hardening. And this happens because very often capricious buyers come across.

Many in their reviews note that the leadership is young. Therefore, there are no such quirks as corporate chess games and starched socks. By the way, they have no habit of leaving earlier than their employees. Whenever an employee needs help, management is in place, even if there are 15 minutes left before the end of the working day.

About colleagues

A huge minus, as noted in the reviews, is the staff. Most colleagues do not cause sympathy. This is because the guys come without installation to climb the career ladder. They can easily deceive both management and buyers. They can send the perfect product to the marriage to pick it up for themselves. The fact that it is then recalculated, and the cost of the shortage is divided into all employees, they do not care. Of course, such colleagues do not linger for a long time, therefore a large flow of personnel.

And another drawback is that there are no movers, and boxes of goods come in a day. Basically, the directors deal with this burden, as cashiers and consultants are either girls or very fragile guys. But there is a definite plus - a kind of free fitness.

Of course, the feedback from employees about working at Kari will be different: both negative and positive. But you need to understand that everyone has their own taste, even for work.

Of the positive aspects, photo reports are also distinguished. When the store is in perfect condition and manages to capture all this for a weekly shot, you forget about negative buyers and dishonest colleagues.

If we talk about salaries, then workers are perplexed why many people write about money in envelopes. Payments are “white”; deductions are made to the Pension Fund. And the amounts that come twice a month are worthy.

Feedback from former employees about working at Kari

Many people make it clear why they left work. These are mainly personal reasons. Leave less often because of administration.

Speaking directly about working in the Kari store, the reviews of employees are different. But many note that the same people leave negative comments. That is not a very nice person.

Kari management regularly conducts training courses and field trips. Therefore, it is impossible to say that work in this store provokes the "drying up" of the brain. On the contrary, employees study all the time, including thanks to experienced managers. By the way, reviews about the work of Kari employees in Moscow make it possible to determine that it is in the capital that the best conditions for earning money in this network of shoe stores are created.

Also of the advantages can be identified rapid career growth. In about one year, you can grow from an ordinary cashier to a store director. A lot of useful acquaintances are colleagues and forum participants, and sometimes even buyers.

Jobs at Kari Store: current employee reviews

Of course, most often the person who is looking for work thinks that the directors have nothing to complain about. They get a lot of money, although consultants do everything for them. But from some reviews you can understand that this is not true.

Many comments also affirmed that directors did indeed receive corporate discounts on products. Most constantly buy shoes at Kari, especially now that they have become high-quality and a lot of genuine leather products have appeared. Yes, and the models are beautiful.

The reviews make it clear that the director’s work is hard. And more so because the customer is always right. Sometimes you even want to run boots in some bad people. But you have to smile and listen to criticism. Visitors may not even like the way an employee looks, how he walks, or even how he looks at them.

Despite these negative points, many love their work. And they have learned to look at such buyers simply as jesters. Most often there are no complaints to the management, on the contrary, only gratitude. According to employees, directors will always come to the rescue and enter the situation. This is because they themselves were sellers and experienced all these difficulties personally.

Salary is always accrued without delay, there are no fictitious fines. Although an employee can be punished, for example, if he is late for a month more than three times. But it is fair.

The official registration, all payments go to the card. Even if it’s a prize or a prize in a competition. Of course, different jobs at Kari in Moscow. Employee reviews for this reason may also be different. And about the "gray" salary as well. But people who have worked for at least two years, argue that this is not true.

Of the minuses, someone distinguishes continuous training and implementation of innovations almost every six months.

Sales Manager

There are very mixed reviews about working in the Kari store. The sales manager here performs the usual duties, as elsewhere. You need to fulfill the sales plan - and that’s it. But if a person has children, relatives who need constant attention, then this work is not for him.

Firstly, because of the schedule. Most often work from 10:00 to 22:00 4-5 days a week. True, the norm is very easy to exceed. Secondly, due to the long trial period. Consequently, the salary will be lower during this period. And time for growth on the career ladder also needs more.

If we talk about the sales plan, it is not overpriced. Its execution will be especially easy if there is experience in a similar position. The store also does not skimp on premiums - if the norm is exceeded, reward accrual should be expected. There are always customers in all stores across the country. Therefore, not fulfilling the daily norm is almost impossible.

A large flow of people is not only a plus, but also a minus. You get tired of running and showing goods, listening to negative speeches and at the same time constantly smiling.

Personal qualities necessary for working in Kari

You can find many different vacancies on various employment sites, and the salaries promised to future employees cannot but attract attention. But it turns out that not everyone can get a job. After all, he must possess some personal qualities, and this is an important point.


Constant work as a salesperson in Kari obliges you to communicate with people, so you need to be able to smile and provide prepared speech with colorful words so that it is interesting for a person to listen. If an employee does not like to talk and is gloomy all the time, then he is unlikely to be able to fulfill the plan in a month. But when a person’s language is “suspended”, then it’s easier to sell.


Judging by the reviews about working at Kari, some employees manage to rob both the store and customers. But to find such a person is very simple, because in every store there are cameras that track scammers. And since the Kari store officially hires a person for work, they can dismiss him according to the article.

Decency is also expressed in communication with the buyer. It is not necessary to say that the product is made of leather, if in fact it is another material of lower quality.


Each store is given a set of uniforms - a T-shirt with a logo and sometimes scarves on the neck. But this does not mean that you do not need to think about how you look. A clean, ironed T-shirt that smells good will help not only to fulfill the plan, but also to get an increase. And if it is profitable to decorate the image with accessories, then the buyers themselves will begin to approach such an employee.

Do not forget about the hairstyle. Makeup should not be geeky. It’s better to stay more natural.

Grammatically correct speech

When communicating with the buyer, the use of parasitic words and a common vocabulary is unacceptable. The more competent the offer is built, the more representative the seller will look in the eyes of the client. Of course, if a person has some defects in pronunciation or dependence on parasitic words, then getting rid of this is very difficult. But this does not mean that self-improvement must be abandoned.

Most of the negative reviews about working at Kari are written illiterate. This may indicate that the person was fired. And now he is offended by the organization.

The ability to work in a team

Despite the fact that each employee has his own plan, and it is necessary to implement it personally, nevertheless, such a quality as teamwork is very important. There are different situations in life. Sometimes it becomes necessary to search for a substitution. Yes, and the fact that you need to live with the same people 10 hours a day suggests that it is better to be friends than enemies.

It doesn’t matter which vacancy is chosen: working in Kari is more pleasant if everyone has such a quality as collectivism. If employees create a negative atmosphere in a particular store, then the buyer will not stay there. After all, he will not be comfortable there. And this, in turn, will lead to failure to fulfill the sales plan.

Employee Reviews on the Carey Kids

Shoes for children are in great demand. This is what you need constantly. Therefore, many come to vacancies in these stores. This is still the same “Kari", so all the nuances of employment described above are the same.

The Kari Kids store is a place where you can get a lot of experience, as employees say in the reviews. The most important thing that is distinguished in this environment is adequate bosses. Very often there are words that the employee is very lucky that he has such directors and administrators.

A huge minus that causes layoffs is the road to work. Most live in such an inaccessible place in terms of traffic patency. Therefore, they soon decide to find a job closer. However, they continue to buy shoes for their children here. And reviews of work at Kari confirm this.


  1. The official salary that comes on time.
  2. Regular bonuses. Sometimes employees do not even understand what they are charged for.
  3. Clear fines system. Also, if the bosses are good, then sometimes they turn a blind eye to the employee’s shortcomings. Of course, within reason.

Sometimes it seems that there are only vacancies in Moscow. Feedback on work at Kari in other regions proves that in each city you can become a consultant or cashier in an excellent team.

Many employees write that there is a lot of work at Kari Kids. Again, this is both a plus and a minus - numerous mothers who are in a hurry somewhere, so they swirl across all departments in a whirlwind and turn all the shoes out of the boxes. Therefore, sit at least 10 minutes and take a break does not work.

It is often necessary to answer various questions, which, it should be said, are not always adequate. Employees in reviews may exaggerate, but many of them confirm that at least once a day a person will come who puts him in a stupor in his own words.

In general, this is a supercompany, a large salary after a trial period, corporate parties, continuing education courses in other cities. And all these advantages overshadow the negative buyers.

Work in a boutique

According to employees, the work in the Kari shoe store is excellent. One of the employees says that he went through almost all stages from a junior consultant to a director. And at each stage there were pros and cons. But there were much fewer flaws. Due to the fact that his wife’s work is connected with business trips and a frequent change of residence, this employee was able to visit different cities and different teams. And absolutely everywhere a great atmosphere.

It is noteworthy that in spite of the relocations, the positions held were retained by this person. Only once was the situation when they could not find an open position at his level. Therefore, I had to work one step lower. At the same time, with a small side job in the same store, he retained his previous salary.

Once a year, a meeting of directors and training are held in stores. It always goes either in Moscow or in Sochi. Road and accommodation paid by the company. Some employees hate this period, but most of them look forward to it. A very busy week passes, where you can learn something new for yourself, undergo coaching, as well as play and enjoy excursions.

Of the minuses, there is very little free time left.

Negative reviews

Despite the fact that almost all subordinates like working in the Kari store, there are comments that deny this. It is worth noting that no more than 20% of bad reviews. And also a lot depends on what kind of team was created in the workplace, and how managers relate to their responsibilities.

For example, some employees write that even if there were 48 hours in a day, they still would not have time to do anything in this store. It is considered normal that today there are demands to do something, although it was necessary yesterday. And for that they can then be fined. And any of the employees. Such is Russian roulette at the end of the month.

All employees who are not directly associated with the store (these are human resources specialists, accountants, advertisers, etc.) speak disrespectfully to consultants. Moreover, the salaries of the above are very often lower than even those of an ordinary seller. This is how negative commentators describe the work team.

Also, people say that the position of director is written only on pieces of paper. In fact, it’s a “combo” of a salesman, consultant, loader, and sometimes also a cleaning lady. True, the salary is really higher. But for many, the store didn’t even have a chair, much less a separate office. Hardware, including computers, constantly freezes. And it is obligatory at a time when it is a big turn.

Some employees also note such a minus as revisions. In the days when it is held, consultants have to work beyond the norm, which is subsequently not paid. And also due to the fact that there is no proper protection, but there are constant thieves, the staff develops for a forfeit.

After reading the reviews of employees about working in Kari and analyzing them, it is much easier to decide whether it suits a certain person or not.