
Project Manager Summary: Sample

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Project Manager Summary: Sample

Video: Secrets to a Great Project Management Resume - Project Management Training 2024, July

Video: Secrets to a Great Project Management Resume - Project Management Training 2024, July

Project management is an area of ​​education that has become widespread in recent years. Specialists with knowledge in the field of international certification who can write a business plan and make all calculations are welcome in many large companies.


A project manager is an employee who conducts a project from the moment of its development to delivery to the direct customer.

Projects can be both internal and external. Internal ones include those related to the introduction of innovations in the company or the introduction of changes to existing processes. An example of an internal project is the conversion of a hypermarket's retail space.

External projects are those that are customer oriented. Having received all the necessary data, having conducted all discussions with the client, the team ensures that all agreed conditions are met.


The management function is the most responsible. The project manager needs to monitor the fulfillment of all conditions and requirements, communicate with the client and the team. The responsibility that management bears is often material. And in the event of a project failure, a lot of time is needed to restore reputation.

When sending a resume to a vacancy, the project manager must understand whether it meets the requirements for the candidate. Depending on experience and skills, the candidate may not be suitable for the employer.

A resume by a project manager without experience is rarely considered by the employer. The risks that a company faces in working with a candidate with no experience are too great.


The leader performs work related to various areas. In order for the business to be 100% successful as a result, you need:

  • find out the scope of work that is necessary for the development and further conduct of business;
  • determine the relationship between employees, distribute their production roles;
  • identify a critical path;
  • set critical points and track changes that take place on them;
  • calculate the amount of time required to complete;
  • conduct an analysis of deviations;
  • highlight management and process participants who are authorized to exercise control;
  • control the process of preparing documents for implementation;
  • collect, analyze, store information about the project;
  • adjust the plan.

Additional activities

In addition, the project manager must deal with a number of issues that require high personal and professional qualities.

  1. Personnel events: team selection, motivation.
  2. Budgeting: development and control of the project budget.
  3. Planning: depending on control points.
  4. Reporting: according to plan.
  5. Development of documents: reporting, plans, reconciliations.

The resume of the project manager should be concise and clear. Errors, incorrect wording characterize the candidate from the bad side.

Vacancy in the company

When a company needs to select a project manager, the HR manager needs to find an example of a project manager’s resume that will serve as a model for developing the profile of the required candidate.

Resume Example

Work period

Company / Position


2002 - 20011

Moscow Construction Systems / Project Manager

  • participation in a major investment project;
  • implementation of financial, technical, legal documentation;
  • analysis of key events;
  • interaction with technical, legal, financial services on the implementation of the project;
  • changing the design decision associated with increasing the attractiveness of the project;
  • tendering;
  • Reception of the delivered objects.

Result: 3 new residential blocks were built, with 7 14-story houses in each. Projects were completed 3 months ahead of the schedule with at least no quality loss.

2011 - 2012

Solar Systems / Project Manager

  • development of a business plan for investors;
  • location search for the installation of the necessary equipment (22 wind power generators);
  • negotiations with suppliers;
  • selection of a team of installers;
  • distribution of roles in the team, quality control.

Result: 22 generators were delivered ahead of schedule.

Considering this resume of the project manager, we see that the candidate is result-oriented (information on this is highlighted in each block). In addition, duties at work are listed in detail, which makes it possible to add the correct first impression of the applicant. The resume of the project manager in the construction must necessarily contain a list of objects that were commissioned, the terms that were given for the construction. The best option would be to receive recommendations for a candidate from the previous management.

You can consider another resume of the project manager. A sample is provided below.

Resume sample

Name: Ivanov V.V.

Date of birth: 04/03/1975

Work period: 01.2011 - to the present.

Company: Kraftinvest LLC.

Field of activity: construction of civil and industrial facilities.

Position: Project Manager / Project Manager.


  • project supervision from development to delivery;
  • budgeting, identifying and finding the necessary resources;
  • team building, staff placement;
  • communication with the client, conducting checks;
  • coordination of specialists who are involved in the project.


  • 15% budget savings;
  • delivery of the project 6 months ahead of schedule.

Personal qualities: responsibility, determination, multitasking, leadership.

The summary shows that the candidate indicated only one place of work, but painted it in detail. A recruiter will need to clarify where the job applicant has worked before.

Social projects

A social project is a series of actions and activities aimed at minimizing, preventing or solving problems caused by a lack of adaptation or socialization.

Social projects are directly related to human life, family, society.

Such a project must meet several conditions.

  1. The issue addressed in the project should concern everyone who learns about it.
  2. The purpose of the project should be clearly stated.
  3. The idea must be interesting. A predetermined sequence of actions will allow the project to become more relevant.
  4. Implementation should be carried out using a minimum of funds.
  5. Timing should be concise.
  6. Qualitative and quantitative indicators for which the assessment is carried out should be developed before the start of the project.
  7. Active social advertising is needed, which will inform the population about the essence of the problem.

When sending a resume, the project manager in the social sphere should indicate in which particular programs he participated, what were the results, and whether there was a response from the population.

Resume of a social project manager

Each project in the social sphere consists of several sections, the management of which ensures its effectiveness.

The resume of the social project manager (sample below) will necessarily contain items responsible for planning, setting goals and objectives, and project activities. The paragraphs that describe the evaluation of the completed event, as well as the evaluation criteria, are fundamental to the consideration of the summary.

2008 - 2009 Arkhangelsk administration.

Position: social project manager.

Tasks: opening a school and two preparatory groups.


  • setting goals for opening educational institutions;
  • task setting for project staff;
  • budget development;
  • budget spending control;
  • control of the project team (72 people, including builders and installers);
  • checkpoint verification.

Results: the project was completed on time. There were an additional 250 training places for schoolchildren and 35 places in the preparatory groups of the kindergarten.

A sample resume of the head of a social project shows that the candidate has not only experience in the necessary industry, but can also lead a team of more than 50 people.