career management

Specialty "Organization Management": who can work?

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Specialty "Organization Management": who can work?

Video: کسب درامد تا سقف ۵۰ میلیون تومان از راه ارائه خدمات به صورت آنلاین 2024, June

Video: کسب درامد تا سقف ۵۰ میلیون تومان از راه ارائه خدمات به صورت آنلاین 2024, June

Every year, thousands of specialists graduate from higher education institutions, who then hopelessly try to find a job that matches their qualifications in the diploma. If in the old days this problem was easily solved by means of state distribution, and young employees needed hard work and strict adherence to the instructions of the mentor, now the situation has changed radically. A man independently decides his fate, including his career. Therefore, it is extremely important when entering a university to seriously approach the choice of faculty and profile of study in order to have an idea in which direction to subsequently look for work.

What does management mean?

Management is a fairly new word in everyday life among compatriots, but it quickly gained popularity. Having opened a newspaper or website with a description of the required specialists, you can always notice that companies need managers. Let’s try to figure out what this concept means by itself, and by whom one can work in the specialty of “organization management”.

A person who never comes across this concept often thinks that it means management. In a way, it is, because the concept of “management” comes from the Latin manus (hand), which is reflected in the English verb to manage - “lead”. However, management is a broader concept, which implies the ability to manage any systems, including automatic ones, while management is the art of creating a product by the hands of other people. This means that the manager is a person who controls people and at the same time possesses leadership qualities.

Organisation management. Who can work with this specialty?

Labor exchanges are full of requests for the search for sensible managers. This is due to the development of domestic business.

Any manager understands how important it is for a company to have a qualified staff so that at the head of each unit is an outstanding leader who can increase the organization’s trading profit. This is possible in two cases: when the manager has chosen his life path correctly, and his personal qualities fully correspond to the profile of the position and when he knows how to correctly allocate company resources.

The prospect of running a company or being the head of a department leads many students and their parents to choosing the specialty “organization management”. “Who can work in reality with this profession?” - A question that should worry applicants in the first place. The most interesting thing is that there is no single answer to this question. The business environment is undergoing constant changes, which means that, possibly, after the students have completed the five-year term of study, they will be required to possess new competencies that were not originally expected in the profile of their position.

At the moment, there are definitions in the scientific literature that imply that the organization of management in an enterprise is a management sphere aimed at planning a company’s activities, a step-by-step system for ensuring its vital functions, control over the functioning of individual units and skillful allocation of time, labor, information and material resources.

Manager and owner of the company - what is the difference?

Domestic business does not always keep pace with foreign innovations, so very often there is embarrassment in the interpretation of certain concepts. The managerial profession came to our country from the West and quickly spread across all market segments, but for many it still remains a mystery: how do the owner of the enterprise and the manager differ if both of these persons are, by definition, decision-makers. In fact, there is no difference between these entities. Their responsibilities include the same list of tasks, but their difference in the level of authority shares them. In other words, the manager is a hired employee who is called upon to carry out the skillful management of the organization, while its owner is a person who has invested his own funds in its development, but does not necessarily provide leadership. However, as the experience of foreign companies shows, any owner of the company must a priori be a good manager.

Manager Responsibilities

The organization’s management system implies that each company has functional units, at the head of which there should be a decision maker. In practice, the manager most often acts as a middle manager, whose immediate responsibilities include:

  • planning and implementation of measures to modernize the enterprise;
  • performance analysis of the company;
  • ubiquitous monitoring of the implementation of tasks assigned to personnel;
  • motivation of employees, creating a favorable climate in the team.

The goal of the manager as an employee is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, therefore it is extremely important for him to be able to see the situation as a whole and understand how the work of his department can increase the KPI of the entire company.

Qualities that a manager should possess in the modern world

Graduating from a university, getting a diploma, and maybe even experience, are far from determining factors of success for an employee in management. In addition to the above nuances, each manager should work on improving personal characteristics and develop the following skills and qualities:

  1. Leadership abilities.
  2. Strategic thinking.
  3. An innovative approach to management.
  4. Be able to influence and manipulate your staff as necessary.
  5. Use effective levers to control the execution of instructions.
  6. Delegate authority based on a personal approach to management.

The management appreciates to the greatest extent those specialists who are able to quickly and efficiently distribute the resource base of the company, as well as achieve the maximum profit with the lowest costs, which is why the organization of financial management plays an important role in the enterprise.

Areas of work after obtaining a specialty "Organization Management"

According to the statistics of universities that offer applicants to become students and learn the profession of manager, their graduates work in the following areas:

  • public service;
  • restaurant and hotel business or, as it is now called, HoReCa;
  • wholesale and retail trade;
  • banking and insurance services;
  • financial institutions;
  • information Technology;
  • industry;
  • education.

Among frequently asked questions, there is such one: “Organization management - who can work?” This is not surprising: companies offer an incredibly extensive list of vacancies for potential employees. Of course, most of the guys dream of starting their own business, but with an aggressive competitive environment, it is desirable to have preliminary experience, so many follow the path that has been tested over the years: they are hired by employees.

Today there are so many opportunities for the manifestation of their own abilities that for everyone there is work. Organization management as a specialty covers a fairly wide range of activities that will satisfy the ambitions of everyone who is willing to make an effort. Consider the most promising areas for realizing our potential.

Consulting services

Today it is a very attractive area of ​​activity where not only entrepreneurs who had previously successful business experience, but also newcomers who are ready to assist the leader at first, can find their skill. To get a job in a consulting agency, you need to have skills in the field of services and have good communication skills, since work involves ubiquitous communication with people and the ability to communicate information of varying complexity to them.

Marketing and advertising services

Today it is one of the most promising areas of activity. It is dynamic, requires creativity from managers and is ideal for those guys who like a democratic management organization. Management within such a company should be based on the ability to clearly plan activities and advertising campaigns, position itself on the market, knowledge of the basics of pricing and financing schemes, the ability to find markets and the skills to promote your own product.

Personnel Management

First of all, management is studying the levers of influence on people that allow them to effectively manage. Many companies have long come to the conclusion that their most valuable resource is people, and therefore they focus on creating a favorable microclimate in the team. Team building and training on the basis of the enterprise, all kinds of social guarantees and convenient working conditions - this is not at all the humane desire of the leadership to do more good in the world, but a carefully planned action. That is why in large enterprises the vacancies of HR managers are open everywhere - people who care about the effectiveness of each employee. These professionals are designed to motivate employees to increase their personal productive results. Most often, these positions are recruited by girls who, in addition to paper analytical work, are also involved in organizing corporate events and other personnel development programs. Those who wish to obtain a similar position should pay close attention to the study of the Labor Code, special software, office work and psychology, since HR managers often participate in the selection of personnel.

If someone still has questions “what will happen if you go to study at the organization’s management”, “who you can work at the end of the university”, then you should think about your personal qualities and fantasies. This specialty is so vast and opens up so many opportunities for people that it can rightfully be called universal.