
Work as a dispatcher in Moscow: duties, work schedule, reviews

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Work as a dispatcher in Moscow: duties, work schedule, reviews

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Interested in the work of the dispatcher, curious applicants ask different questions. What kind of profession is this? What are the responsibilities of the dispatcher? What salary can I expect? The work of the dispatcher is considered relatively young among other vacancies. It appeared around the twentieth century against the backdrop of technological progress. Then people invented computer technology and various means of communication. Thanks to these tools, the work of the dispatcher has become possible, which is still in demand.

What is a dispatcher?

The main function of this specialist is to coordinate the production process through the use of remote communication channels. The profession owes its appearance to modern means of communication, which allow you to communicate at a distance.

Demand for the profession

Initially, these specialists worked exclusively in the field of transportation. Now the work of the dispatcher is widespread. This vacancy is in demand in various fields of activity. The following companies accept such specialists in their staff:

  • logistic departments;
  • taxi services;
  • air carriers;
  • public utilities;
  • manufacturing enterprises, etc.

Simply put, dispatchers are in demand everywhere where you need to almost in real time control the movement of vehicles or other processes. A large number of vacancies are open in Moscow. Applicants located in this city find work faster than candidates living in other regions.

Dispatcher Responsibilities

Each profession has its own nuances. If we talk about what responsibilities the dispatcher performs, you need to clarify that this depends on the field of activity.

For example, in the field of aviation, a specialist will control the takeoff and landing of aircraft, as well as coordinate the flight process.

If it is a taxi service, the dispatcher acts as a liaison between the client and the driver. He first negotiates with passengers, then transfers orders to the performers.

The main duty of the dispatcher, regardless of the field of work, is to carry out a set of measures, the purpose of which is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise in which he works.

Additional features may include:

  • timely procurement of equipment and other materials;
  • administrative tasks;
  • consultation.

Personal qualities

In whatever area the dispatcher works - taxi, logistics, air transportation, etc. - he will certainly have to contact people. These will be clients, colleagues, bosses, and partners. Everyone will have to find a common language on duty. That is why among the main requirements for applicants declare competent speech and clear diction. Among the personal qualities, the following are welcome:

  • resistance to stress;
  • responsible attitude to the work performed;
  • attentiveness;
  • wonderful memory;
  • the presence of organizational skills;
  • organization;
  • self control, etc.

It is this set of characteristics that will be useful to future dispatchers. Those who possess them will be easier to do the job. It is especially important to be able to remain calm. Even in conflict situations. Indeed, not every interlocutor will be benevolent.


Due to the large number of vacancies opened in Moscow, applicants can choose an employer that offers the most convenient work schedule for a dispatcher.

Possible options:

  • two in two;
  • three days later.

In the first case, after two twelve-hour work shifts, a couple of days off follows. In the second, dispatchers work all day, then immediately receive three free days.

Vacancies differ not only in the number of days off, but also in the duration of shifts. Possible full-time or part-time. In the first case, these are shifts of 8, 12 and even 24 hours. In the second, employers can offer flexible hours of employment for a few hours a day. This is an option for those who are interested in working as a dispatcher at home. Typically, these applicants are attracted by flexible hours or part-time jobs.

Features of the dispatcher

To fulfill his duties, the specialist uses various means of communication. This is why you need to:

  • be able to work with a PC and do it quickly;
  • know office programs;
  • understand the features of the services provided or products manufactured, etc.

To better understand how the work of the dispatcher works, you need to talk about the areas in which this vacancy is in demand.


Work at large airports is considered quite stressful due to the high density of takeoffs and landings. The interval between flights can be only a few minutes. Therefore, the work of the dispatcher must be extremely accurate. That is why job seekers must undergo a rigorous medical examination. For air traffic controllers, preferential leave is provided, as well as early retirement.

The representative of this profession controls not only take-off and landing operations, but also the movement of various equipment around the airport.

Rail transportation

The dispatcher in the field of railway transportation controls the movement of trains. All actions must comply with the schedule for the controlled area. The precise operation of the dispatcher allows you to efficiently use the paths, as well as avoid collisions. He contacts with machinists, engineers and other specialists. Only the dispatcher has a complete map of the site, so everyone who works on it must obey his instructions.

Ministry of Emergencies

Specialists working in this field are faced with various situations that pose a threat to humans.

In the process, the dispatcher of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has to receive calls, specify details and then transmit information to the services involved in resolving the situation.

Health and even someone’s life can depend on timely actions.

As in no other field, the dispatcher working in the Ministry of Emergencies will require incredible stress resistance.


There is a category of specialists who are responsible for the movement of various cargoes on the territory of Russia and beyond. This process involves a considerable chain of people. Among them are those who chose to work as a dispatcher-logistician.

These specialists have to perform many tasks:

  • find customers;
  • pick up vehicles;
  • communicate with drivers, representatives of trading and storage companies;
  • control the transportation process and monitor compliance with deadlines;
  • fill out reports.

To get this job in Moscow, a secondary education is enough. Valuable skills include PC knowledge. Work as a transport dispatcher at first can bring a small income. However, it may increase as the customer base is developed.


The task of a taxi dispatcher is to take orders from customers, then distribute them among drivers, as well as track the movement of cars and report on the delivery of the car. Thanks to this specialist, passengers can receive transport in a timely manner, and drivers are not left without orders.

For women, the work of a dispatcher in a taxi is considered the most attractive vacancy. No specific technical knowledge is needed here. In addition, a pleasant lady's voice usually encourages customers to communicate.

Taxi services usually work around the clock, so applicants are offered a shift schedule. The degree of loading may vary. It depends on the:

  • time of day
  • weather conditions
  • holidays and some other factors.


Advantages of the profession:

  • Higher education is not required. Moreover, the vacancy of the dispatcher is available to almost everyone. In Moscow, in view of the variety of offers, applicants can find job opportunities where even work experience is not required. As a rule, these are taxi services and logistics companies. For air traffic controllers the requirements are more stringent.
  • A large number of offers. Job seekers who want to take up the position of dispatcher in Moscow usually have no difficulty finding. Many companies need such employees, therefore, finding a relevant vacancy is not difficult.
  • Work as a dispatcher at home. This advantage is relevant for those who, for whatever reason, choose remote work. Since all communication with clients and management takes place mainly remotely, nothing prevents the dispatcher from working outside the office.
  • Lack of physical activity. Responses to work as a dispatcher confirm that this vacancy is relevant for all ages. This is especially appreciated by women experiencing employment problems. Vacancy dispatcher involves sedentary work in the office.


Despite the apparent simplicity and the presence of undeniable advantages, the profession of dispatcher is not so ideal:

  • Inadequate people. Since the dispatcher’s working day is continuous communication with people, it is likely to meet inadequate interlocutors. This is why candidates need tremendous stress tolerance.
  • Low salary. Against the background of low educational standards, low income in this profession is not surprising. On average, dispatchers in Moscow earn only 34,000 rubles. In Russia, statistics are even lower. Salaries range from 15-30 thousand rubles.
  • Stressful situations. In dealing with customers and superiors, conflicts sometimes occur. It is important for the dispatcher to be able to react to them correctly, while maintaining self-control.
  • Irregular schedule. Some companies (such as taxi services) work around the clock. Due to the high workload, some dispatchers have to linger, working beyond the prescribed time.

How to become a dispatcher?

The answer depends on what area the future specialist plans to work:

  • For work in a taxi, usually three- or four-day training is enough to take a course.
  • If you are interested in the vacancy of a dispatcher in production, you will need specialized education in a secondary special educational institution. In addition to the diploma, it will take a year of practical work. To do this, you can work as an assistant dispatcher.
  • To work in the field of logistics, the profile education in the relevant specialty will also not hinder. You can try to find a vacancy in Moscow without the requirements for education, but you need to be prepared for the fact that this will affect the salary in a smaller direction.

How much do dispatchers pay in Moscow?

Unfortunately, this profession is not among the highest paid. Even metropolitan dispatchers cannot boast of high salaries.

The minimum bet starts at 10,000 rubles. The maximum is 90,000 rubles. However, both those and other vacancies are rare for the dispatcher.

The average salary is 34,000 rubles. This is the kind of income that is offered in most jobs.


It is always interesting what dispatchers themselves think about their work? Having gathered other people's opinions, you can form your own and decide whether to become part of this profession or find a more worthy option.

Dispatchers have no consensus. Among the many reviews you can find complaints about poor working conditions. After all, not all dispatchers work in comfortable offices. Those who work in the field of logistics are often forced to work in warehouses, where it is cold and damp.

There are also such dispatchers who like a shift schedule. This allows you to take additional part-time jobs or free up more time for relaxation or other activities. However, not everyone likes night shifts. After such work, some dispatchers complain of extreme fatigue.

Taxi dispatchers often complain that the work is rather nervous. Both customers and drivers can be naughty. The former are dissatisfied with the quality of service, the latter - with the quantity or quality of orders.

After weighing the pros and cons of the dispatcher, you can make an informed decision on the appropriateness of such a vacancy. In the case of a positive decision to get a dispatcher in Moscow will be easy.