career management

Certificate of professional development: sample, form and filling rules

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Certificate of professional development: sample, form and filling rules

Video: PMP Application Examples + Process 2024, July

Video: PMP Application Examples + Process 2024, July

In the process of professional activity, it is necessary to periodically increase the level of training. Time goes by - technology, standards and requirements for the work of specialists are constantly changing. The certificate of professional development is a guarantee of high professionalism of the employee. Here you can find a sample certificate of professional development, as well as familiarize yourself with the rules for filling it.

Personnel training

Professional retraining is an educational activity of an employee aimed at obtaining appropriate qualifications for work in a new professional field or for the purpose of further training. It is available to workers who already have a secondary or higher education level. And since 2013, such an opportunity has become available to students of universities and colleges.

Professional retraining is an alternative to obtaining a second and subsequent higher education. Its advantages:

  • Convenience. Training can be combined with the main work.
  • Low cost. Further education courses are much cheaper than getting a second higher education.
  • Time saving. Further education courses include the study of only professional disciplines.

When choosing professional courses, an employee has the right to choose one of three forms of training: full-time, evening or distance, distance learning.

Description of the document

A certificate of professional development is a document protected from fakes and manufactured by order of specialized educational institutions. It has a hard cover, which is not a requirement, and a title. As a rule, on the cover there is an inscription “Certificate of advanced training” of gold color, applied using hot stamping. Also on the cover is allowed to place the logo or emblem of the institution that issued this document.

The certificate of professional development of the established sample on the title should contain information about the educational institution. There should also be a registration number, the name of the city in which the document was received, the date, signatures of officials, etc. The paper from which the certificate of advanced training is made should not have a visible glow, and it should also be made using less than three protective fibers.

Prospects for obtaining an identity card

In order to make sure that this document is necessary, you need to find out about the benefits that it can bring to its owner. The advantages of this document include the following:

  1. When changing jobs, it will be a good addition to your resume. The employer will undoubtedly consider this certificate as your advantage over other candidates for an existing vacancy.
  2. A company whose employees regularly take advanced training courses will work most successfully among its competitors.
  3. Having a certificate of advanced training, an employee can apply for promotion on the career ladder or, at a minimum, for a substantial increase in wages.

Having considered all the undeniable advantages of this document, it is categorically impossible to qualify as a waste of time and effort.

Types of Qualification Certificates

Depending on the educational courses intended for the training of employees, two main types can be distinguished into which the certificate of advanced training is divided. The sample of these documents will also be different from each other.

Employees who completed educational courses with a total complexity of over 100 hours are issued a certificate of advanced training. And those who took similar courses, but with a total duration of up to 100 hours, will receive a certificate of advanced training.

A form for such a document is prepared in such a way that it can be easily filled with text written in beautiful and neat handwriting. Estimates in addition to numerical values ​​should also be entered in words, without abbreviations and abbreviations. Do not forget that all forms must be made with the appropriate level of protection.

Types of documents:

  1. A certificate of short-term continuing education should be made using stamped paper. It is a folded piece of thick paper without a hard cover.
  2. The certificate of professional development should contain an ice cover, inside of which, as a rule, is a foam layer.

The size of both documents is 21x15 cm. All forms confirming the level of specialist training must be made in accordance with the standard forms prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science.


The certificate and certificate of professional development are compiled on special forms, which, in turn, are printing products protected from counterfeiting. The acquisition and issuance of these documents is carried out by educational institutions, which have the right to independently choose the organization that will print these forms.

The certificate of professional development is valid for no more than five years. The validity period is usually stated in the certificate and is considered from the moment of issue. An employee has the right to take qualification courses every year, at the end of which he will also be issued relevant documents. Moreover, the old certificate or certificate of professional development of the employee is not withdrawn, and its validity does not stop.


In the conditions of the modern world, where technology is constantly being improved, all kinds of standards and principles of work are changing, you need to constantly hone and improve your skills. Before hiring, candidates go through the most rigorous selection process, and there are more and more requirements each time. Engaged in self-development and education, the employee will always be in demand among employers and will not lose his job. And the certificate of professional development will be irrefutable proof of that.