
Personal qualities in the resume. What is worth indicating, and what is better to keep silent

Personal qualities in the resume. What is worth indicating, and what is better to keep silent

Video: 8 Tips for Writing a Winning Resume 2024, July

Video: 8 Tips for Writing a Winning Resume 2024, July

A resume is a business card of sorts. The first impression of the person of the applicant is made up of CV, so the better and more competent it is made up, the higher the chance to get the job of your dreams.

Personnel officers are already beginning to get annoyed when they see conditionally positive personal qualities in a resume. Let's consider the most used options and we will not repeat other people's mistakes.


Quality is, of course, positive, but what is the point we put into it? Usually, this means the ability to get along and compromise with colleagues. But this is not sociability, it is contact.

Sociable people are usually required in PR companies, production centers, in general, where they establish contacts.


If you are a young specialist who has just received a diploma, then this quality will come in handy. But if you have already changed a dozen posts, then this record will look absurd and is unlikely to produce the expected effect on the employer.


This is generally "oil butter." What is meant by this quality is not really clear. A desire to work? Or maybe the ability to work? If you decide to get a job, this is taken for granted.

Agree, resumes containing such a standard set do not cause any emotion and risk being thrown into the trash.

Now let's see what personal qualities of a person for a resume are really valuable.

Organizational skills

According to experts, all potential employees should possess them.

Teamwork skills

Or contact. As a rule, applicants who are able to tune in to a wave common with potential colleagues deserve the sympathy of future bosses.


An employer will always appreciate an employee who is able to set a goal for himself and achieve it.

The ability to quickly switch from one task to another

For small developing companies, an employee with this quality is simply irreplaceable. With such employees, you can be absolutely calm about your business and know for sure that an unusual assignment will be fulfilled clearly and on time.

Sense of humor

Oddly enough, human resources experts value ease, self-criticism and the ability to defuse tense situations.

If you have already tried all the options and still have not found unbroken business and personal qualities that will distinguish your resume from hundreds of others, do not despair. Just imagine yourself as the head of the organization and think about which employee you want to hire. All come to mind personal qualities in the resume and reflect. Just try to write as honestly as possible.

Well, if your personal qualities in the resume look like the proverbial banal list, then try not to at least use common words whose meaning has long been lost. Better fit them into context.

That’s all the simple recommendations. We hope that our article helped you figure out what personal qualities in the resume will be winning, and you will get the job that you have long dreamed about.