career management

Appraiser - what kind of profession?

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Appraiser - what kind of profession?

Video: Real Estate Appraiser Salary (2019) – Real Estate Appraiser Jobs 2024, July

Video: Real Estate Appraiser Salary (2019) – Real Estate Appraiser Jobs 2024, July

According to statistics, this profession is among the thirty most promising and profitable in the world. In the prestigious ranking takes 7th place. It is believed that she is guaranteed to maintain such positions in the next 15 years. What is it about, what kind of profession? This is a property appraiser. In the article we will analyze the features of such employment, the duties of a specialist, the requirements of employers to him. Additionally, consider how to become an appraiser.

Who is it?

An appraiser is a specialist who determines the real property of any property, property (immovable and movable, material and intellectual). His area of ​​activity is land and residential buildings, stocks and intangible assets, shares in business and property rights. Hence, employment is usually divided into two categories:

  • Real estate and equipment appraisers.
  • Appraisers of business shares, intellectual property.

In his activities, the appraiser primarily relies on legal and regulatory state acts, international and Russian standards and methods of valuation activities. Do not do without knowledge of tax and customs legislation. It is important to follow business ethics, the ability to negotiate. In our century, one cannot do without an impeccable knowledge of computer technology, smart devices necessary for working with applications and programs.

Today, an appraiser is a fairly common and very popular specialty. The work of a specialist is necessary in the following cases and situations:

  • Bankruptcy recognition / restructuring of the organization.
  • Sale, purchase, allocation of shares in the business.
  • Securing a loan at the bank (collateral).
  • Registration of intellectual property rights.
  • Securities market operations.
  • Investment business.
  • The conclusion of insurance agreements.
  • Arrest of tangible property.
  • Compensation for damage and so on.

Register of Appraisers

As you can see, the activities of the appraiser are directly related to the operation of the client’s personal information. Therefore, it directly follows from this that such a task should be trusted only to a trusted specialist who will not use the data obtained for personal purposes.

But how to find such a person? Registers of appraisers, who make up self-regulatory organizations of representatives of this profession, come to the rescue. For example, the Russian Society of Appraisers, the Expert Council, the Community of Appraisal Professionals, etc. Rosreestr also presents a consolidated list of accredited appraisers, compiled on the basis of data received from the above associations.

A specialist with an unambiguous reputation, recognized by colleagues, who justified the trust of many clients, can fall into this list. It is possible for such a professional to reveal personal or secret information without fear that he will use it for personal gain.

Key responsibilities and risks

You have completed training courses for appraisers. What awaits next? We list the main responsibilities of a specialist:

  • Gathering the necessary information for professional property valuation.
  • Conducting an independent and independent valuation of property.
  • Interaction with the client, a full consultation on a matter of interest to him.
  • Preparation of reports that explain a particular property valuation.

The above are the main responsibilities of any appraiser. Additional ones depend on the field that he has chosen as fundamental for his work activity. For example, the assessment of cars, real estate, land and so on.

A exam successfully passed by the evaluator does not guarantee the fact that further activities of a specialist will be purely error-free. This is the main risk. Namely, to submit an inaccurate or incorrect assessment of the property. Mistake not only obscures the reputation and breaks a business career. The appraiser will have to pay material compensation to the affected person.

Related professions

An appraiser is an occupation that can and should be combined with another type of activity in our economically unstable age. It is possible to become an appraiser by taking special retraining courses if you have one of the following specialties:

  • Realtor, real estate agent.
  • Auditor.
  • Banking employee.
  • Analyst.
  • Economist.
  • Tax inspector.
  • Lawyer.

Appraiser Requirements

Successfully completed training and passed an excellent examiner exam is, of course, a fundamental requirement. In addition to it, the following can be attributed to the main ones:

  • Higher specialized education. Or a document on retraining.
  • Experience in the specialty.
  • Excellent PC knowledge.
  • Membership in a independently regulated society of appraisers (availability of an appropriate certificate, insurance).
  • Experience in self-assessment of reports and their coordination with auditors and banks.

There are additional requirements that a number of employers have:

  • The presence of a driver's license (category not lower than B).
  • Diplomas of passing profile (specifically for cars, real estate, etc.) courses, seminars or trainings.
  • The ability to travel on business trips.

Personal qualities of a specialist

An independent appraiser should have the following qualities:

  • Be easy to learn.
  • Be prepared to perceive large amounts of information.
  • To be able to structure, analyze information, compare data with each other, highlight the essence.
  • Possess a number of skills for finding new information necessary for an activity.
  • State your thoughts clearly, concisely and concretely.
  • To be able to quickly make serious decisions in a strict time limit, with a lack of information.
  • Be both efficient and responsible.
  • Strive for continuous professional and personal self-improvement.

Getting an education

How to become an appraiser? The future specialist has two ways:

  1. Get a specialized education. Although the specialty is widespread, few universities train precisely appraisers. Suitable related are the following specializations: "restoration", "metrology, standardization", "small business management", "production manager", "ground technological and vehicles", "economy", "quality management", "land and property relations".
  2. Another option is to get a basic economic or legal education. Then take retraining courses. Only after that enter the SRO of appraisers and pay attention to direct practice.

Note that education does not end there. To be a sought-after and successful specialist, the evaluator must engage in professional self-improvement all the time.

How to become an appraiser

We know that appraiser services are in demand. But not every representative of a specialty, but only a professional in his field. From this it becomes clear that obtaining a diploma of necessary education is only the first step. As a rule, a specialist becomes fully prepared for independent performance of his duties only for 1-2 years of postgraduate practice.

The duration of the "preparatory period" depends on the desire of the student himself to absorb the knowledge gained, to learn from the experience, as well as on the organization where he is being trained. Unfortunately, many appraisal companies are profit-oriented. They offer novice employees a specific job template, strict deadlines for the job. In such conditions, professional and career growth is difficult to achieve.

A curious fact: great success in a career is achieved not only by people who have received specialized education. Former builders, land workers - excellent real estate appraisers, former aviators - aircraft appraisers, etc.

Place of employment

The first place of work of an independent appraiser is a state institution, a banking organization, an insurance company. Having gained experience, many experts open their own appraisal business.

The appraiser spends more time working not in his native office, but on the road — visits to facilities, negotiations with customers, etc.

Expected Remuneration

Wages vary in this area. The region, the scale of the employer, and the professionalism of the specialist also have an impact. General limits - 20-130 thousand rubles. The average salary of an appraiser in Russia is 45 thousand rubles. Note the fact that the most "monetary" is the activity of the assessment of real estate.

The appraiser is one of the most popular and promising modern professions. But it is fraught with a number of risks, it requires thorough preparation, recognition in the professional community, and continuous self-education.