
Why you should hire frequently traveling people: 10 reasons

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Why you should hire frequently traveling people: 10 reasons

Video: 10 reasons why you should move abroad: Jess Erickson at TEDxYouth@Berlin 2014 2024, June

Video: 10 reasons why you should move abroad: Jess Erickson at TEDxYouth@Berlin 2014 2024, June

Someone once said that nothing opens our mind and eyes like travel. It's hard to argue with that. At the same time, often traveling people are, as a rule, not only interesting and developed personalities, excellent interlocutors, but also very promising employees. Why? We will find out by examining the reasons why, when hiring, it is worth taking a closer look at the frequently traveling candidates.

They do not limit their personal growth.

Inveterate travelers have more opportunities to grow not only professionally, but also personally. According to the results of a number of studies, qualifications and work experience are only 25% of the probability that you will be accepted to the desired position. The remaining 75% depend on the applicants themselves and their communication skills. But travel just provide ideal conditions for the development of the latter. Indeed, when traveling to different countries, you learn to deal with people of different cultures and traditions. In our world with a strong tendency towards globalization, this quality is becoming increasingly important.

They are not suspicious of changes.

Travelers have a wealth of experience, especially if they happen to work abroad. They are more open to changes and, most likely, more likely to perceive structural changes, reorganization of an enterprise, etc., than employees who have never traveled outside their city or country.

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They have no problems with time management.

Inveterate travelers, as a rule, are able to meet deadlines and adhere to the schedule, because they must plan excursions and trips, while managing to take a plane, train or bus. Time management skills are honed if a traveler wants to quickly explore several cities or even a whole country in a short time. As a result, this experience allows you to set goals correctly and calculate the time frame for achieving them.

They do not shy away from learning another language

Frequently traveling people tend to at least learn a little of the language they speak in the countries they visit. And this is an excellent springboard to subsequently improve this knowledge. If your company deals with foreign clients, then it makes sense to hire a candidate with additional language skills.

They are not afraid to leave their comfort zone.

Often traveling people often have to deal with stressful situations that force them to be resourceful and push the boundaries of their comfort zone. After all, how many tourists manage to get lost, experience language problems, are late for a flight, lose documents and face other problems. These are real tests that provide invaluable experience for work, because often in our professional activities we have to give up what we are used to and find ourselves in completely new conditions.

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They are not against teamwork

Travelers often team up with friends to travel. This is very important, because such situations teach people to interact in a team. Be sure to ask the candidate for an interview what he is willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the group.

They do not neglect their decision-making skills.

Inveterate travelers make important decisions throughout each trip. They weigh the pros and cons of a particular type of transport, accommodation, assess possible risks. Also, travelers know how to prioritize. And these same skills they can be used in the workplace.

They do not panic in emergency situations

Inveterate travelers like to talk about the difficult situations they find themselves in. Be sure to listen to them, and you will find out how they were able to get out of a difficult situation. As a rule, this is a good indicator of how they will respond to an emergency situation that they may encounter in the course of work.

They have no problems with self-organization.

For example, inveterate travelers should always take care of their health - take vaccinations, take some precautions, etc. They make their own decisions on this matter, which characterizes them extremely positively. After all, only a very organized person is able to keep everything under control and be able to take care of himself in a completely foreign country.

They welcome innovation.

Often traveling people are very curious. This feeling drives them and makes their approach to life and work more creative. Therefore, they will always be interested in various innovations, rather welcoming them than rejecting them. Which, of course, will have a very positive effect on the work process.

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