career management

Jobs in Los Angeles for Russians: Overview, Features and Recommendations

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Jobs in Los Angeles for Russians: Overview, Features and Recommendations

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Video: Shelley Komarov - a costume designer 2024, July

One of the most famous cities in the world - Los Angeles, the center of all kinds of entertainment, the birthplace of interesting films, a picturesque corner - is located on the Pacific coast. In everyday life, almost every one of us associates this name with Hollywood. There is an accumulation of film studios, many stars live here. There is also the popular Walk of Fame.

In addition, the city is known for its magnificent promenades with clean beaches and a huge number of cafes, boutiques, restaurants. Names such as Manhattan Beach, Malibu, Long Beach, are known, perhaps, to everyone.

City of Dreams

Work in Los Angeles is a dream not only of almost any emigrant, but also a considerable part of compatriots-Americans. This is because this concept automatically implies a high level of salary and many interesting vacancies. Of course, the level of competition here is extremely high. But a candidate with a good education, letters of recommendation and experienced staff has good prospects.

What about Russian-speaking immigrants? Finding a job in Los Angeles for Russians is easiest in the restaurant and hotel business.

Citizens of the post-Soviet space have a good chance to get a job in one of the many Russian cafes and restaurants, shops, magazines and newspapers. Emigrant entrepreneurs, former Russians who managed to organize their own business here, willingly employ compatriots. Thus, work in Los Angeles for Russians (even for those who do not speak English perfectly) is quite real.

And yet, such activities are not highly paid. So advice number 1 - learn English!

Jobs in Los Angeles for Girls

What vacancies were most relevant for foreigners in Los Angeles last year (2016)? An intelligent woman with a teacher diploma, experience, good communication skills can count on a nanny or a baby sitter. Of course, with this work, a good command of English is a prerequisite.

If you cannot or do not want to work with children, but at the same time have a medical education and relevant experience, working as a nurse is suitable for you. In this case, average language proficiency will be sufficient. The advantage of this work is that wages are paid directly to people without tax deduction (this does not apply to those who are employed through special agencies). Minus - in the almost complete absence of personal time.

Another type of activity for visitors is work in restaurants, cafes, fast food establishments as attendants. Such work in Los Angeles is seasonal; students and schoolchildren go to it most often during the holidays. Almost any Russian is quite realistic to get a similar place, but you should know that in this area there is quite fierce competition with immigrants from Mexico.

And for men?

Jobs in Los Angeles contain many suitable jobs for them. Men with a driver’s license and good driving skills “shine” work as a taxi driver, driver or forwarder. In addition to a driver’s license (obtained, of course, in the United States), you need a good knowledge of the area and a fairly high level of language proficiency. Men who know how to work with equipment are also available jobs in various auto repair shops and service points.

Another job in Los Angeles is the construction industry and any type of repair job. It is easiest to find a job with the qualifications of a carpenter, joiner, plasterer or SUV. Due to the high pace of construction, demand for these specialties is not declining.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to find a job as a plumber, electrician or other specialist in the service sector.

Good job in Los Angeles

Immigrants from Russia with an active higher education and good qualifications in their field can make a career as an assistant lawyer or doctor, accountant, architect or even editor of the local media. Such positions suggest certain prospects for further growth.

Of course, this process is not so fast. It takes time to settle in a foreign country, to study the subtleties of the national mentality. Such vacancies can not be called massive - rather, this is a piecewise option.

Those who cannot count on a white-collar job will find the position of a sales assistant. Due to the huge number of outlets, both large and very tiny, this profession in Los Angeles is always in demand.

Girls and women can do cosmetology or manicure, both in one of the many salons and at home. The work of a hairdresser in Los Angeles is one of the most sought after and affordable.

Give Hollywood!

Well, one should not forget that Los Angeles is the center of the global film industry. All posts, at least in the slightest degree related to the production of cinema, are a separate article. From directors and actors of various calibers to make-up artists, lighting artists and staff, the list of options is quite impressive.

Like the rest of the world, IT specialists (programmers, web designers) are held in high esteem in America and, in particular, in Los Angeles. At the same time, American employers pay more attention not to the prestige of the diploma, but to specific skills. Holders of such professions are perhaps easier to find work in America in others (including remotely) and start making good money.

Language is our everything

We repeat once again - any position with a decent income implies a good command of English. It is believed that learning a language is not too late at any age. To improve their own knowledge in the field of language, there are many special courses and training programs.

While your knowledge of English is far from perfect, there is an option to look for an employer among immigrants from Russia. Those who are not yet ready to fight for a place with a high level of wages and tough professional requirements can get a job as a cleaner, kitchen assistant or employee of a cleaning company.

Salaries in America are usually paid once a week or once every 2 weeks. Salary is indicated in the "dirty" amount (from which taxes are deducted later).

Job search

How to find a job in Los Angeles?

The main ways for this are acquaintances among emigrants, specialized agencies or print media. As elsewhere, there are special sites dedicated to employment. They can clarify the lists of popular specialties and establish communication with potential employers.

How real (if your place of residence, for example, is Peter) is work in the USA? Los Angeles (like any American city) should begin to conquer according to the following scheme.

If the employer is interested in a future employee, he usually sends him an invitation called a job offer. This document contains the necessary information about job responsibilities, the approximate level of future salary, and so on. For guaranteed employment, a contract is required.

Procedural moments

When contacting a recruitment agency, be sure to check if he has a license to carry out such activities. Most often, such a document is hung out in a conspicuous place (for example, on a wall near the front door). Agency services must be executed by agreement. You are given a check about their payment. If the services were not useful, and the results of the negotiations did not give anything, you must return the money.

What recommendations can be given to those who intend to get a job in Los Angeles? As elsewhere, you will need the correct paperwork and, very importantly, a correctly composed resume. Even better - the additional availability of letters of recommendation from those places of work where you recently worked. American documents have their own peculiarity - workplaces are not listed in chronological order, as in our country, but in reverse order.

Before an interview with the employer, a telephone conversation or video conference is sure to be. Then several different interviews are possible (even when it comes only to the seller’s vacancy).

If you do not have permission to leave, immediately disclose this fact is not worth it. Perhaps you can get a job without a special visa. If you are offering a vacancy for less than $ 7.5 per hour, you should not agree. The exception is the work of a waiter - formal earnings here can be a couple of dollars per hour, while it is understood that tips will be the main income.

If the standard working day (8 hours) is exceeded, each additional hour is required to be paid in an amount increased by one and a half times. Weekend work involves double income.

What types of permissions exist?

You can officially stay in the United States with one of the following visas.

Type B visa is designed for business travel and just traveling. With this permission, you are only entitled to a guest trip to relatives or friends living in California. For transit transfers, a type C visa is issued. For students studying in Los Angeles - type E. Those who plan to marry an American - K.

An official job in California is possible only with a work permit (type H18 visa). To get it, you need a diploma recognized in the United States, and experience in it. The validity of the visa is 3 years, after which an extension is possible.

How exactly is a permit issued?

First of all, you pay a visa fee, the amount of which ranges from 160 to 190 dollars for each, including children. Then, in the online mode, a special application form is filled out in English, which takes about half an hour. In addition, you send your photos in a strictly defined format.

This documentation is submitted to the US mission, then your fate is to wait for the receipt of the application with a special bar code from the employer. The date you visit the consulate is assigned. In the indicated period you have to come to the indicated point with the package of documentation and take biometric indicators. The procedure is postponed if there is damage to the hands.

This is followed by an interview with one of the staff of the visa service. The main task of the applicant in this case is to prove the lack of intentions to remain on permanent residence in America. Convincing arguments will be the family remaining at home or real estate.

Upon successful completion of the procedure, you can expect a visa for a week or a month. The term varies depending on the amount of additional checks and the number of people wishing to leave. If you need a visa without waiting in line - the reason should be given more than serious. Repeated appeal in case of refusal is possible only after a period of 47 months.

And if without a visa?

Illegal employment for foreigners in America is strictly prohibited and heavily controlled by the state. But a considerable part of those who failed to get the coveted green card, resorted to it.

American employers are very, very reluctant to associate with illegal immigrants. Indeed, if such a violation is detected, the owner of the enterprise faces a large fine, and sometimes the closure of the business. Immigrants from the CIS countries are especially wary - often they do not have the necessary papers.

In places involving a large cash turnover, illegal immigrants are more loyal. They are paid a salary that is never fixed. Thus, the employer saves on paying taxes. You can find such a job in small shops or restaurants, as well as in construction sites and with many low-paying, physically difficult types of work.

It should be remembered that this type of employment is a very risky occupation, as it does not guarantee the employee any social benefits. In addition, illegal immigrants can at any time be discovered and forcibly deported to their homeland. But, as a rule, this does not stop energetic and confident people.

What you can count on

How high is paid work in Los Angeles? The average family income there exceeds the amount of 30 thousand dollars a year. If we talk about men, then the per capita income on average is just over 36 thousand dollars, for women - 30-31 thousand per year. More than 14% of Los Angeles families live below the poverty line. But in the same city there is also a maximum concentration of millionaires and just rich people.

The minimum rate in this city is about $ 9 per hour. This indicator is one of the highest among the US states. Especially when you consider that the southern states live poorer than the northern ones.

The Los Angeles City Council votes on raising the minimum wage as part of the fight against poverty. But this applies, more likely, to the local population than to visitors. As already mentioned above, Russians or Ukrainians are "shined" more often than not requiring Western diplomas as a consultant in a store or in a beauty salon or as a construction worker. Although sometimes an expat can be found in the film industry, where the income level is already completely different. And among the Silicon Valley programmers who receive very, very good salaries, there are many immigrants from Russia.

Who is how much?

What are the average incomes for certain professions? As a rule, gardeners, hotel servants, waiters, janitors, etc. work for the "minimum wage". They earn about $ 2,000 a month or a little more. A little higher is paid for the work of realtors, couriers, secretaries and small clerks. Behind them are workers of the beauty industry (hairdressers, etc.), consultants.

Highly skilled workers can count on a salary of 30-40 dollars per hour. This applies to civil servants, builders, managers, engineers, marketers, accountants, doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, or business analysts. You can expect to pay from $ 50 per hour if you are the director of a large enterprise, a lawyer, a surgeon, an auditor, a dentist or a pharmacist.

It should be noted that diplomas received in Russia or Ukraine in the United States do not matter. Those who graduated from a local educational institution have much more prospects.