career management

Specialty international driver: training, certificate, job description and job

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Specialty international driver: training, certificate, job description and job

Video: Green Jobs 101 2024, June

Video: Green Jobs 101 2024, June

A truck driver (international) is not at all a simple, but very interesting profession. From the outside it may seem that “turning the wheel”, transporting a variety of goods to countries near and far abroad, is very exciting and not burdensome. In fact, not everyone is able to withstand such a rhythm of work. Today we offer a closer look at this profession, having understood its pros and cons. We will also find out what it takes to become a trucker.

An international driver - who is this?

Representatives of this profession are drivers of large trucks operating flights over significant distances. This activity can be carried out both independently, having registered as an individual entrepreneur (in this case, you will have to look for customers yourself), and act as an employee, carrying out transportation on the instructions of the employing company.

Profession history

The need for the transportation of various cargoes to remote settlements appeared among mankind for a very long time. The profession of an international driver in its modern form began to take shape at the beginning of the last century, with the advent of freight vehicles.

The social significance of the profession

Transportation of goods over long distances (and even to other countries) is a very popular service in any type of economy. As a result of the development of medium and small business, today the demand for experienced truckers is quite high, because it is much more expedient to send small volumes of goods not by rail, but by road. An additional convenience for customers is a flexible schedule of international drivers. This allows you to send the goods when necessary, and not wait for the time set by the forwarding companies.

Advantages of the international driver profession

Undoubtedly, the main advantage of the trucker is the ability to visit other countries. So, during stops, an international driver can take a walk around the surroundings and see the sights. By the way, most people carrying goods abroad have already traveled all the European capitals. Another advantage of this work can be called a decent salary. So, on average, depending on whether you work privately or as a hired employee, it can vary from two to five thousand euros.


One of the main disadvantages can be called a long separation from relatives and friends. So, sometimes international drivers are forced to stay away from home for three weeks or even longer. This fact negatively affects family relationships. So, among the representatives of this profession there are quite a few divorced people, because not every wife is ready to wait for her husband to return from a flight for three to four weeks in a row.

In addition, working as an international driver negatively affects well-being. Most truckers have problems with the spine and digestive system. The explanation is quite simple: representatives of this profession spend whole days in a sitting position, and the basis of their food is food from fast foods and roadside cafes, which are far from always useful and quality. All these factors ultimately lead to the fact that after several years of work a person is forced to consult a doctor and is seriously puzzled by his state of health.

Another disadvantage of this profession is a fairly large responsibility. Most often, goods in the wagon are expensive, and their damage due to carelessness or carelessness can lead to the fact that the driver will be recovered damage to the company-customer.

How to become an international driver

The main requirement for those who want to devote themselves to this profession is the presence of a driver’s license with the appropriate category, as well as experience in driving large vehicles (preferably at least five years). In addition, there are international driver courses. As a rule, they are organized at large driving schools. Upon completion, you will need to pass the required exams, which will allow you to get a driver certificate of an international driver. By the way, it is believed that this document is not so necessary, and in Europe, truckers never require it. However, if you want to get a job in a large company, then most likely they will require you to have such a certificate there.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that anything can happen on the road with a car. Therefore, an international driver must be able to repair a car. You must also understand the forwarding documents that you will need to present both when crossing state borders and in the event of verification by authorized bodies of other countries.

Qualities of an international driver

Since this work requires sufficient driving experience and awareness of responsibility for the transported goods, as a rule, people over the age of thirty become truckers in international destinations. In view of the fact that this type of activity is physically difficult, it is best suited for men. Of course, a woman with a great desire can become an international driver, but such exceptions to the general rule are extremely rare. Also, a trucker must be physically resilient, because sometimes you have to work in rather difficult conditions. However, of course, the main factor is the love of their work. If you can’t imagine your life without a road strip running away from under the wheels, then this work is right for you!

Job description

Like representatives of other professions, international drivers carry out their activities in accordance with the job description. So, according to this document, the trucker is obliged to drive the corresponding car, to fill it with fuel, cooling and lubricating fluids; verify the correctness of the compilation of the waybill and forwarding documents for the transported goods; Before leaving, make sure that the vehicle is in good working order and, whenever possible, eliminate the vehicle’s problems during operation; comply with traffic rules, as well as vehicle driving regulations and safety precautions. As for the rights of an international driver, he may require the customer to provide him with fuel and lubricants and an appropriate tool. In addition, the trucker has the right to stop working if the car is in an improper technical condition. Job description also provides for the responsibility of an international driver. So, he is responsible for the timeliness and quality of the duties assigned to him, the safety of the cargo and compliance with labor discipline.