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In search of a vocation: professions related to chemistry

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In search of a vocation: professions related to chemistry

Video: Jordan Peterson: What Kind of Job Fits You? 2024, June

Video: Jordan Peterson: What Kind of Job Fits You? 2024, June

At school, many thought that chemistry was a useless subject and there would be no use in it in the future. Well, in the courtyard of the XXI century is the time of technological progress. And now, professions related to chemistry are at the top of the list of the most sought-after jobs on the labor market. And good chemical scientists can count on a promising and well-paid job without any doubt.

But are all chemical industries now held in high esteem? And where to get a chemist's education? What are the requirements for such specialists? All these questions are quite logical and require a clear answer.

The role of chemistry in the modern world

To begin with, we will understand what chemistry is. If you do not go into details, then this is the field of natural sciences that studies the structure of various substances, as well as their reaction with the environment. That is, professions related to chemistry are needed in order to study these reactions and use them for the benefit of the enterprise, country or the whole of humanity.

Now almost all products on the market are in one way or another connected with technologies that use chemical reactions. For example, fuel cleaning, the use of food coloring, detergents, pesticides for fertilizer and so on. Even in the manufacture of wooden furniture, famous for its natural cleanliness, today they use chemical concentrates, varnishes and polishes.

Therefore, for specialists in this field there is always a job. A chemist, and even more so a process engineer, will always be able to find a suitable place in the city’s production, the main thing is to initially choose the right direction.

Requirements for Specialists

First of all, people in this profession should have a good memory and analytical mind. After all, a chemist is a scientist who must be able to predict the consequences of a chemical reaction, and for this you need to remember tons of theoretical and practical material.

Also, professions related to chemistry require a lot of time to master. Therefore, the future specialist should be prepared for the fact that he will have to devote himself entirely to this science. It would be more correct to say that a chemist is more a vocation than a profession.

Well, the last thing is creativity. Innovative ideas, a creative approach and an unconventional look at familiar things allow the chemist to make new discoveries. Namely, they are now so needed by companies and corporations in order to get around competitors.

Where to get an education?

The material taught at school is just the tip of the iceberg. In order to deepen their knowledge in this area, future specialists need to choose the appropriate educational institution.

Basic concepts can be obtained at a college or college. But you need to understand that what kind of work will subsequently depend on the choice of an educational institution. A chemist is a fairly broad concept, because some are involved in the production of paint, and the second increase the quality of food additives. And choosing a place to study, first of all, you need to think about your own future and the prospects of the faculty.

As for higher education, it provides an opportunity to gain access to the most prestigious professions in the field of the study of chemical reactions. This includes a biotechnologist, nanochemist, an expert on alternative forms of energy, and so on.

From theory to practice

If one does not find fault with the division of chemists into classes and groups, then two main types can be distinguished: a theoretical chemist and a practical chemist.

The first is the researcher. He is a scientist from head to toe, spending days and nights in a research laboratory in search of new elements, compounds and formulas. He is an editorial hungry for discovery. For this category of people, chemistry should be the meaning of life, otherwise they should not be aware of successful discoveries.

As for practical chemists, they use the knowledge discovered by their colleagues in their work. Their main task is to bring all ideas to life, and even so that they serve for the benefit of their organization or enterprise. A vivid example can be a chemical engineer, a chemical technologist, and so on.

But, as stated earlier, this is just a general division. In reality, everything is much more complicated and confusing.

Chemistry-related professions: a list of the most sought-after specialties

We will not talk about specialists working in the oil refining and gas production sectors, because they have always been considered an elite and, of course, have large salaries. It would be more reasonable to describe those professions related to chemistry that can guarantee work in almost any region.

So, the most popular categories of chemists:

  1. Chemist-technologist. Depending on the profile of training, it can work in food or industrial enterprises. The main task of this specialist is product quality control, as well as the introduction of innovations in production.
  2. Cosmetic chemist. A very popular destination, especially in those regions where there are large cosmetic enterprises.
  3. Pharmacist. Higher education makes it possible to work in large companies producing drugs. An ordinary specialist can always find a place in a city pharmacy.
  4. Environmental chemist. Almost every city has a department that monitors the environmental situation in the district. In such an organization, there is always a position as a full-time chemist.
  5. Forensics and forensic examination. Chemists are also needed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because, as practice shows, their knowledge can help in catching criminals.

A look into the future

If we talk about what highly paid professions related to chemistry exist, then we cannot but mention the area that explores alternative energy sources. After all, soon the oil supply will run out, the same thing will happen with gas, so every year the demand for such specialists is growing rapidly. And who knows, maybe in 10-20 years, chemists in this area will lead the list of the most sought-after specialists.